Is this website accurate when it comes to paramedic salaries


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I'm currently going to school to hopefully become a paramedic firefighter. I stumbled across this site while looking for paramedic salaries. I was told they don't make good money, but when I seen this site it didn't seem that bad, at least the areas I'm in if they're accuarte. The site is are these accuarte salaries?
Depends what your idea of what good pay is- professionals who may earn more money in other walks of life might see it as bad compared to what they might be used to..

Also the hours worked per week...some guys pull in 60 hours a week so it might look like they are getting good pay but really they're working their *ss off.
Or people who have families they pay isn't enough etc. If you're just out of school a few years and single then all money is pocket money anyways if you're sharing apartment/house with friends etc.

Those average websites don't really work either because they're way too general.
I was told medics make 30-40k which I myself wouldn't see as good pay but when I look at that website I see in some cities it says the average is in the 60k/year range. But other cities it's very low.
It's not awful money for very little education. At all of my jobs there has always been plenty of Overtime which let me essentially chose how much money I wanted to make at the cost of family time, time for school etc. But it was nice to have the option if I needed extra money.
Again, depends on where you are. 60k in Seattle is barely enough to live on, but 60k in southern Delaware lets you live like a King.
42-47k starting in places like Sacramento and Merced CA
It's not great IMO but it's better than it could be.
If you want to do fire medic in CA depending on where, you could start out in the 70k+ range
Never look at just salaries..huge mistake too many people make.

What is their health plan, how much is it? What are deductibles and copay?
What are their retirement plans?
What are schedules?
Tuition programs?
Ability for advancement/career ladder?
Call volume...burn out potential in 5-7 years?
In house training programs or opportunities to get it outside on their dime?
Are their other programs within the department of patrol, beach patrol, ski patrol, etc.
If injured, are there programs where you could cross into inventory, dispatch, etc?
What is their turnover/attrition rate? Why is it so high or so low? Or is it average?
Cost of living in the you need to live within certain distance of the organization?
Can you sustain or live on what they pay WITHOUT factoring in overtime???

I detest when people mention OT as a good thing and then actually bank on it.
I work 48 hours straight and I am off 5 days a week; great benefits; and make $55,000 a year. NO call volume (1-2 patients a month)
South Dakota pays about $44,000. That's actually not terrible here. Totally livable. Maybe not completely comfortable, but livable.
Here in Central Texas living expense is pretty low (outside of Austin) so making 40-45K is very livable. It all depends on where you live.
I live and work just outside NYC and made 115k last year. I work 50hrs a week.

That said, it's very expensive to live here. The average hourly in my zip for the top earners is about $7 too low.

Disclaimer..... There are really crap organizations out here paying new medics $18-20 an hr. That's probably why the numbers are all over the place. Meanwhile my organization pays about $34 after one year. $16/hr swing
Cost of living of living matters a lot too. If it cost that much in parts of CA to live they would also have to pay us more than the average 16-20$
Starting out at amr (that's uemsw unionized) medics make 24 or more depending on the area.
So it's all relative