Is it possible to pass after going all the way to 120 questions??

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I stopped at 70 and tested in 25 mins. I felt like obviously I shouldn't have gone so fast and I prob failed my self when it shut off. But I passed, you won't know untill you get the results gl.
If it shuts down around 70 questions or sooner, I think its safe to say you passed. From time to time Ill read these testing threads just out of curiousity, and I dont think Ive ever seen anyone say they failed when it shut down at or before 70, and my experience was the same.

I think even if youre bombing the test, it will still go to at least 80 before deciding enough already, you are the weakest link, goodbye!
118 questions

I answered 118 questions and took about 50 minutes to complete. Just found out i passed.
I just took the test yesterday, got up to 120. Found out I passed this morning! So yes, very possible.
National is a CAT that dynamically adapts questions based on previous amswers. For EMT it's looking for depth of understanding and not a pure ratio or right to wrong. If you answer a CAT it throws deeper questions at you to gauge your knowledge, if you go deep early you're out at 70.

If you get in the mid range the CAT will bounce the depth of questions up and down to discover within a good ceetainty that you meet the criteria to pass. CAT keeps up this seeking behavior until it is statistically sure of you or tbe limit is reached. This accounts for the varied numbers.

In any case , higher counts just means that CAT is trying to be sure of you and not itself a gauge of pass or fail.
I passed my Basic in the mid 70s and my medic at 80, but another guy I work with went up to 150 on his medic. Once you get up that high you're pretty much walking a fine line.

I had another guy tell me his test stopped at 35 and he thought he did pretty well. Not so much.

I passed with 78 questions and thought I failed because I was told that if you got less than 120 you probably failed it.
i passed at around 120... so at 75 or 150 you would never know... don't stress
I was told that the computer sometimes pre-determines that a person is going to do 120 questions. I assume it's because they are using pilot questions or something along those lines.
I was told that the computer sometimes pre-determines that a person is going to do 120 questions. I assume it's because they are using pilot questions or something along those lines.

Some tests have a predetermined number, it used to be 150 in order to validate the algorhythm the computer uses for predictability.

It may be possible to do at 120, but I haven't heard anything different than the 150 for that.
good buddy of mine just sat for the test last week and did 120 questions. Thought he failed and he PASSED.
When i took my NREMT i stopped at 120. When you are done testing try to hit the beach or watch a movie to take the edge off. I looked online a few days later and it said i passed! So yes u can still pass at 120.
If I passed at 76 questions does that mean I proved good competency in the number of questions I had?
Its a weird test, it honestly doesnt matter how many questions you had. It matters how many questions you got right..
Its a weird test, it honestly doesnt matter how many questions you had. It matters how many questions you got right..

Not exactly true. You have to answer the questions that score you as competent correctly. You can get a lot of questions, answer them correctly, but if your competency isn’t above the breakpoint, you’ll still fail.
im definetly not proud about this but... i passed at 126. anything is possible
I got shut off somewhere between 112-115 and I feel like I failed but a lot of people on here say they did and actually passed !!!!! I get my results in a few hours ! im slowly dying. Will post with an update
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