Interview Question: If EMS was not around, What would you be?

I'd probably go back to being a brewer. Maybe academics, more specifically criminolgy professor. Law enforcement has always interested me.
I used to do the score board for high school volly ball when I was in high school.
I got paid to watch girls scream every time they hit the ball and keep score of course. :cool:
If EMS wasn't around, I'd probably either be in construction, staying in landscaping, or just Fire fighting.

The other day I had a question "what do you enjoy doing?"
I told them hunting, fishing, anything outdoors, I also enjoy studying.
I'm thinking WTH I :censored: hate studying.
Fail :wacko:
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What a great question. If I had to choose something besides the path I am taking now (currently a medic pursuing nursing), then I would do one of three things that I can think of.

Start my own business... A health food store or something like that probably.

Get a degree in nutrition and and pursue a career in nutritional sciences and fitness ect.

Get a degree in biology or genetic engineering and be a science geek.

All things I've thought about doing that would interest me.

Oh and the movie "The End of Watch" renewed my child hood fantasy of being in law enforcement.. But deep down I know it's not as badass as its made out to be in the movies lol.
Well, since I was an Licensed Vet Tech before I signed up with my local volunteer fire/EMS department, I probably would still be an LVT. I still hold that license, and I'm still trying to find a job in any of my fields. I hate unemployment and temp jobs.
National Park Ranger. It is my goal to talk someone I know into getting this job so that I can live vicariously through them.

Since I'm on the MD route, I'd love to get a job as a park physician. I think Yosemite and Yellowstone hire docs for summer work. Dream job.
Probably military medicine, maybe firefighting. I dont really know. I got into EMS by chance. With a history degree i could do anything so i wouldnt be limited in my options.
Probably military medicine, maybe firefighting. I dont really know. I got into EMS by chance. With a history degree i could do anything so i wouldnt be limited in my options.

Everything.... or nothing. I have a Poli Sci degree, so I'm in the same boat.

Political Science to EMS. Who woulda thought?;)
National Park Ranger. It is my goal to talk someone I know into getting this job so that I can live vicariously through them.

Since I'm on the MD route, I'd love to get a job as a park physician. I think Yosemite and Yellowstone hire docs for summer work. Dream job.

EW EW EW! I changed my mind, I want to be a Park Ranger at Yellowstone! Ranger Fish at your service!
Started school for culinary arts (1989)...while working at a restaurant.
Learned quickly that while I loved to cook (still do), I didn't want the hours that a chef would need to dedicate to his job.

Learned CNC programming instead. Got me into the industry. Started learing the enigineering aspect of what I was programming.
Got a degree in mechanical engineerig.
Been doing that for 16+ years.

EMS for me is what I feel I NEED to be doing. I don't get paid much (paid on call volunteer), and the hours suck (weekend graveyard shifts), but I find it very self satisfying to have skills needed to help someone in their most dire time of need. (usually without any recognition...not that it's that important.)
With a history degree i could do anything so i wouldnt be limited in my options.
me too. I'd either be an IT consultant (probably unemployed with today's economy), teaching history in high school somewhere, or broke after getting my MBA and looking to get a senior level position at an IT company somewhere.

or be unemployed living on my parents couch..... or even better, on my sugar mommas
teaching history in high school somewhere

I reckon I would like to teach high school history; I met an ex PE teacher along the way who is now a Paramedic, and somebody I knew in the army left and is now a PE teacher.
Everything.... or nothing. I have a Poli Sci degree, so I'm in the same boat.

Political Science to EMS. Who woulda thought?;)

All that stands between me and a poli-sci degree is one more theory class and my thesis. I do not regret choosing to major in poli-sci, I have been able to develop excellent written and verbal communication skills in a different (some might say better) manner than my hard science major friends, who never get any of those experiences.
Probaly would have stuck with Ag and gotten my degree. I would be farming corn and cattle. I would be just as broke, just alot more dirty.
Resp therapist
MD or RN if I can select something from medicine.

Non-medicine related probably would be a Chem or Bio teacher at high school level (I guess I have a pull toward bad paying job.)