Interview for ED Tech; I think I'm in way over my head

No, just call and ask how many hours to expect.

Word. Really shouldn't be an HR question but instead a Manager question. At least where I am at, HR only has a backhand in the scheduling (ie, they regulate, but they don't schedule). Congratulations on the job, now pick up as much as you can. Maybe see about being in a float pool for ICU.
I would ask your new manager how many hours are typically available for PRN staff and then decide. I worked two PRN jobs during medic school and it was perfect. Between the two, I was able to schedule enough shifts to pay the bills, eat and manage to get my class and clinical time complete.
How was the ER Tech interviews? Do you remember any in particular?

Congrats btw!
Dude, you way over think everything
You seem young, try asking reading up on some online sources regarding questions you have about working in non-military jobs and transitioning into civilian life. I suspect your questions are more due to lack of experience as a civilian rather than lack of EMT experience. Good luck
Thanks for the replies. I'm in Florida, which does not does not qualify EMT-B to start I.V.s.
If I go into the interview with the bad attitude I show above, I clearly wont even stand a chance. With that being said, it is a GROUP interview, so I would hate to show up looking like a burger-flipper who applied to a nuclear-engineering position.
Quit over thinking.
Senior Chief sends.