It's still public safety. We still stop at witnessed accidents and have to play bandaid box if we witness someone get hurt or someone wanders up to us with a complaint.
I've stopped in my POV after I witnessed accidents and played bandaid box until someone showed up. doesn't mean I would consider myself public safety, or worth of a PSOB program because of it. Esp if I die doing something unrelated, like driving a cab around town.
Also public safety when we are safely taking someone of the public from the little general to the cath lab.
No, that's healthcare, and has absolutely nothing to do with public safety. Transferring someone from one facility to another isn't public safety, it's a function of the healthcare system.
What about a private service that does 911 back up coverage or one that is contracted full time 911 for a specific town?
I guess than the question would be what function they were performing when they died, were they on a 911 call or a dialysis run?
From Slice's excerpt of the law, it would seem only public agency employees are included by the letter. As other posters mention, however, even IFT and CCT services can provide standby/backup emergency care, or vital transports of emergent patients between facilities.
CCT is a healthcare function, it isn't a part of public safety. It is important, and can save lives, but it's 100% healthcare, and not public safely. Ditto Medivac people; if you crash while doing an on scene request, than you are doing a public safety thing, but if you crash during an interfacility, it's a healthcare crash.
If you are answering calls for a 911 system, than you are functioning as a PSO, and should be entitled to PSOB should you die in the line of duty.
If you are doing anything else, than you are functioning in healthcare, and should not be entitled to PSOB.
Disagree if you want, but we shouldn't be cheaping PSOB for people who aren't working in public safety. That's my $0.02, and I won't be changing my opinion. and I think you will find most 911 providers agree with me, and most IFT people will make excuses to disagree with me.