Small business owner

I have an Idea you worry about him.
Im worried about the person who just lost a days pay through no fault of her own, is put in unsafe working situations and subject to unfair disciplinary action.
But that wouldnt concern you now would it, she can just go get another job right?
Hey, anytime someone faces loss of income due to discipline issues, it sucks, I not saying that Im not concerned about her.
I would encourage the OP to look for other employment if she isnt happy...but people on here need to remember there are three sides to every story... her side... her employers side, and the truth is in the middle...something that I've had to learn in law enforcement especially.
Her post does make it seem like her employer is the worst place in the world to work.. and if the events as she has written them are factual.. then yes, I feel bad for her.
On the other hand, what we dont know is whether or not she has lost 9 sets of keys before.. or has been late habitually, or has otherwise cause her own demise in this organization....people are posting based on her word alone.
Either way, whether this was just progressive discipline that reached the point of suspension, or whether this was a first offense, I would encourage her to remedy the situation, by either sitting down with her supervisors and talking things over.. or moving to a different organization that is a better fit for her... mainly because she does not seem happy there.
Also, to address your comment about the small business owner...
Small business is the backbone of our economy at this point...and small business as a whole employs a very large percentage of our working adults in the US..if we start to lose more small business, or we continue to suffocate small business with things like higher taxes and unions, then our economy will continue to suffer. Unions do exactly that.. they suffocate and kill anything they get involved in....and expect special treatment.
Case in point.. the health care bill that has been front and center... when Obama decided to tax health care plans over 24k a year, the unions threw a fit because they are one of the largest groups who benefit from the 24k a year plus plans.. so they went to the President and whined, and he caved to their special interests, and changed things so that UNIONS and ONLY UNIONS would be exempt from taxes on those health care plans.. they expected special treatment, mainly because they donated HUGE amounts of money to get Obama elected.
Another case in point.. and this is an example not of a small business that the Unions killed.. it was a huge multinational multibillion dollar industry.. the auto industry.. they have all but destroyed the big three automakers with increasing salary demands, increasing benefit demands, and insane programs like "job banks" that cost the autoworkers millions of dollars a year, dont benefit the automakers, and is just designed to keep the unions pockets filled with dues paying members...
this same situation of collapse happens with small business, it just happens on a much shorter took so long for it to catch up with the big three because they were so large and were able to absorb the cost for so long...think medicare/social security...we pay out more in benefits than we take in right now...which is what the automakers had to do for years.. and the house of cards finally collapsed!
So, the point of all this ... is that yes, i am concerned about the young lady that lost a day of wages, but im also concerned about keeping all of her other coworkers employed.