Has anyone considered that while the vocalized complaint is about money, it is really dissatisfaction with the field that is the underlying problem?
Not so much for me, but I'm sure it is for others.
For example, my first IFT job paid $9.50 (NYC), but it was only per diem, as I was working FT in another field until then well paying hospital based 911 job offer came through. I started at $14.92/hr, and I was making $22.02/hr + 10% night diff before a year and a half. I topped out at $30.56/hr when I left. Where I work now, it's fire based, so the salary allows me to easily afford a house and two nice cars, and OT funds everything else we want to do. We have a good pension and a three year DROP as well.
The truth is, even though we sat on street corners and had no career ladder, if the hosp. medic job had the same amount of security, and allowed me to realize the same financial goals in NYC that I have in VA, I wouldn't have even thought about leaving the state. As it was, the job just payed the bills, with little left over. We had a lousy retirement to look forward to, so I would have had to work until I was 80, or stroked out/had a massive MI.
As far as others, here we have EMS Lt's and Capt I's (still riding the box) making from $110k to $125k/yr base that are burnt out (when others do the same job for $12/hr), so I suppose it's an individual thing.