I Love EMTLife Because


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'Tis the season to spread the love!

We all love the forum, right? For good and for bad. I know I personally forget to show my appreciation and have in the past taken the forum for granted.

Sooo... Why do you like EMTLife? What has it done for you?

I love EMTLife because the posters here have inspired me to transition from whacker to provider and have been an amazing source of encouragement and a wealth of knowledge.
I love it here because of the ability to teach and learn at the same time. The fact that, without this site, I would not have met the most wonderful girl in the world should also be mentioned.

The mix of whackers and professionals of varying degrees (would be, blossoming and consummate) is great. Even thought I may not see eye to eye with everyone here, I am proud to call many of you my friends and colleagues. Just remember, the browbeating and berating is in your own (and patients') best interest! ;)
I like it because there are people from all different states/countries. You get to see how things are done in different parts of the world.

It allows me to expand on my knowledge. Right now I am stuck with an EMT who knows nothing. So it's really good to be able to learn from people who have many years of experience.

There are soo many different reasons that I am on this site.
Right now I am stuck with an EMT who knows nothing

To quote one of my former mentors: "Everyone knows something and has something to teach. What it's good for simply has not come up or become apparent yet."
To quote one of my former mentors: "Everyone knows something and has something to teach. What it's good for simply has not come up or become apparent yet."

Nothing as far as anything to do with medical that I've seen yet. He knows about construction...... But I wouldn't let him touch anything on anyone's house that I know lol.
I love hanging around this site because I'm learning more here than I was at any other EMT themed forum I had found. I'm picking up the lingo and abbreviations faster, and what I've been reading here has influenced the questions I've asked in class.

(edited to correct bad grammar)
This place has challenged me to be a better practitioner of medicine. I have been challenged to relearn physiology that I learned for a test many years ago.

I have also been challenged to be able to put my ideas in writing, and to push people to consider the kinder, gentler side of things without feeling like a complete sap.

And I've met a couple of good friends, and found a handful of people that my husband or I knew IRL and met again here.
to push people to consider the kinder, gentler side of things without feeling like a complete sap.

Thanks Mom! ;) :P

And I've met a couple of good friends

...and I hope I make that list. Or at least the one of people you tolerate. LOL
1. I'm addicted to fourms
2. I don't really hang out with real people
3. There is knowledge to be had though sparse
4. I'm addicted to forums
It's humbling, informative, and an opportunity.

I hope that the folks who have not fared well from being involved here can find the equivalent somewhere else.
Here's to the Mods, their Deputies, and everyone who helps give the big wheel a little spin each day.
Here's to the Mods, their Deputies, and everyone who helps give the big wheel a little spin each day.


I love EMTLife because:

The great personalities that post here.

The thought and research provoking topics posed.

The ability to have conversations with folks with a similar interest in medicine (not a whole lot of that around my work)
I learn a great deal from some of the members.

I've formed a few friendships.

The people on here are interesting.

It gives me something to do when I'm bored at work.
Cause NVRob and I have similar taste in music

Cause USAFMedic45 has got my back (especially when it comes to NTG)

Linuss is my Eyes & Ears in TX, DFW area (and we're xbox live friends)

Most scenarios here are great for critical thinking

and it's a great place to just plain ol' shoot the s**t whenever a long shift keep dragging on and on

PS... Snow was cool while it lasted :P
Cause NVRob and I have similar taste in music

PS... Snow was cool while it lasted :P


The new Nero CD is awesome.
I like it because of the vast amount of knowledge from the members. The insight and advice that can be obtained from everyone on EMTLife is invaluable and is nice to know it's only a click away.

And I love the fact that I can provoke discussions into something that would never have taken place anywhere else. :) I am hard headed but I have gained many different views and ideas from debates that have taken place and for that I am grateful.

All in all it's a great atmosphere and a nice feeling of Community.
I love EMTLife because:

-It's opened my eyes to how little I really know.
-The members here (a lot of whom I'm glad to call my friends) push me to become a better provider.
-There is very rarely a day when I log on and don't learn something new.
-I've met some pretty great people here, and it gives me yet another avenue in which I can complain :P