I just don't know what to make out of this research study


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Did you consider reading the first 2 sentences?

Previous studies have shown that women are less likely than men to receive bystander CPR during an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. One potential contributor to this disparity is the widespread lack of female representation in CPR manikins and CPR instructional materials
A sample size of ~100 tells me this is just someone looking to publish a study for the sake of publishing a study.
Does it incorporate all types of breasts? like fake pornstar DDs that stay up right, even when they are supine? What about basketball sized ones? If the breast as so big they cover the sternum, what then? Did the study consider long and saggy ones, that fall into a woman's armpits once her bra is removed? What about granny's boobs, which are down to her knees? what about the itty bitty titty community members? Have their feeling been considered, especially since they might feel uncomfortable practicing CPR on a manikin with larger breasts then they have?

I have questions... lots and lots of questions... too many questions that aren't covered by this publication... who wants to run another study with me on this very important topic? Do you think Adult Film Association of America would sponsor this study, as they have a vested interest in the outcome?
The initial claim that women don't get CPR more that men is interesting if true. Reading the abstracts of the cited papers does seem to suggest that but...they're just abstracts. Wouldn't call this any kind of 'study', but it does at least raise consciousness of a potential issue. That outcome studies for OHCA between men and women is pretty murky in the US doesn't help. Can't imagine how someone could design an RCT as the authors suggest.
I wonder if the study took this video into consideration: