Nov 3, 2023 #1 Kavsuvb Forum Captain Messages 323 Reaction score 52 Points 28 What street in your town? Maybe the Green Door in Vegas!
Nov 3, 2023 #2 RocketMedic Californian, Lost in Texas Messages 5,001 Reaction score 1,469 Points 113 You know nothing of which you speak and should feel bad for being a recycled meme poster.
Nov 6, 2023 #3 DrParasite The fire extinguisher is not just for show Messages 6,320 Reaction score 2,185 Points 113 To be honest, she's less than 300 lbs... I will gladly pick her up, talk to her, and take her to the ER, or talk to her and have her refuse to be transported. as long as it's not at 3am, it's all in a days work.
To be honest, she's less than 300 lbs... I will gladly pick her up, talk to her, and take her to the ER, or talk to her and have her refuse to be transported. as long as it's not at 3am, it's all in a days work.