how many ?s


Forum Ride Along
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How many questions were on your nremt?
How many questions were on your nremt?

I had to answer every single question the first time I took the NREMT.

/It was precomputer
Typically anything in the 70s or 120s is a Fail.

Typically anything in the 70s mean you either completely failed the exam or crushed it. Anything in the 120s means your borderline either way. There's no real rule that says 70s = failure.
I realize that, was hoping he didn't...
150 the first time, 82 the second - Paramedic

My first attempt was 150 and I knew I didn't do well. My second was 82 and knowing that I got the last one right was a huge relief! This was my for Paramedic test.
How many questions were on your nremt?

I believe the standards are different between the different provider levels. I believe the EMT can end as early as around 40 questions and the medic can end as early as around 70.
I guess that means you either got 90 something or were a paper test guy.

Wow. Read the comment directly above your most recent. It was in jest. It sees fairly obvious after I replied to JP, but apparently I should have simplified it more.
Next time you're in "Cali", we should grab a beer.
Forum conversation doesn't seem to bode well for us.
I have to believe you're more likable in person. :)
Wtf is "Cali"?
Why would you try to deceive him?

You're right. That was wrong of me. I feel like a terrible person, but I now see the error of my ways. I mean, what if he just took my word for it and never checked?? He may have never known that he passed!!
