How long have you been and emtlife member ?

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Forum Crew Member
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less than a year for sure ..:unsure:...i think......
Ummm, since everyone has a Join Date under their screen name...I think your question is answered and this thread is useless and pointless...just sayin.
Ummm, since everyone has a Join Date under their screen name...I think your question is answered and this thread is useless and pointless...just sayin.

oh thanks how do i delete this ??
This <----------------------------------------------> long
Long enough to have 3x as many post than someone who's been here 2x longer.
Scout is bragging!

and five is four? NO, this one is original.

Let's see......1751! Yeah, that's it, that's the'll fly...yeaaah.....;)
Way to freaking long. Darn it I have no life.
Long enough to have 3x as many post than someone who's been here 2x longer.

Yea you did post :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: your way up there :P
Do I sense jealousy?!

Nope. If I hadn't taken months long breaks I probably would be up there at the same post count as you :)
Long enough to have 3x as many post than someone who's been here 2x longer.

Quality versus quantity....comes with age.
I like being young with plenty of energy, thank you. :P
Ever hear the story of two bulls on a hill looking down upon a pasture full of cows?

The young bull says "look at all them cows, let's run down their and get one"

The old bull shakes his head and says "How about we walk down there and get them all" :)
great just what i needed to be known for lol, it was one of my blonde moments i was super tired from work didnt know what to write sorry
Holy crap, I've been here for a year now. Where does the time go...
Psh, excuses.

But I'll also admit I have no life.

no you have a life, its EMTLIFE


Yes i went there.....
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