How long did it take you to find a job?


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For those of u who are now emtb's ,how lon gdid it take once you recieved your state card?
Had a job before I got certified.

My instructor was a senior medic for the county, she liked my hard work and effort.

The Training officer who also had a say in the hiring used to drop by the area community college classes and scope out students for possible hire.

We never knew who he was, we thought he was just there to assist when in reality he was evaluating us in a non testing environment.

Pretty smart on his part.

This is why it pays to demonstrate professionalism at all times in appearance, conversations, etc.

Anyways, after class ended, he told me if I wanted a job to apply as I would definitely have one once my cert arrived in the mail.
I was an EMT-B in Medic School and interviewed with a ground/rotor wing company for a Medic position while still a student. The company knew that, and after the interview they offered me the job 10 days later! It was pending that I pass my Paramedic written and practicals, so after I passed both this month and got my cert, I called to let them know. They have been holding the position for me since July, and I have heard nothing but wonderful things about the company. A lot of people in my Medic program had said that it's best to apply for jobs while you're still a student, because of a lot of companies want someone they can train 'their way'. Good Luck to you in your search, you will do great! Let us know how it goes!! :rolleyes: AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!:beerchug:
Still applying, coming up on a month and a half here.
I applied as soon as I had all my certs (yes, in california you need more than just your county card), and was in orientation 2 weeks later. Course, now all the companies I know of are fully staffed.
I was unable to find a job as a Basic until I finished school and became a licensed Paramedic.
Immediately found one out of school. This year I decided to take on a second service, and I was offered the job after my first round of tests. Also given a contract for $3/hr than I was originally offered. Not going to complain. Also offering to put me through an AAS -P course.
Got my cert 5/16/2008.

Ran my first call ten days later on a volly BLS.

End of June, I got a job at a transport company.

Middle of July, I started at a paid BLS.

August 28th, 2008, I got the job I ACTUALLY wanted, EMT on the MICU here in my hometown.
I started looking before I even finished the course, and had a conditional offer (based on passing the provincial exam) from the first interview I had right away.
I finished school March 15, tested the following Friday (written) and Saturday (practicals) It took about 2 weeks to get my results from that. The day after, I hand delivered my paperwork and got my state numbers.

I started applying that day. My first 3rd-ride w. my company was on May 15.

Ps, I'm an EMT-I, Georgia really doesnt have the B certification.
Was on Professional service day my card arrived. Pay checks have arrived regularily since. But many areas have so many EMT-B's there is just no openings and if you find one not much pay. Continue into your paramedic degree to get a real job and to be able to do more for your patients.
had my first job before i started the program. never went more than 2 weeks without an ems job while i was on the road
From people I've talked to around here (Meridian, MS area) it usually doesn't take too long to land a job even as a basic. Some got their foot in the door either by dispatching or as a driver (there are a few agencies around here who hire people just to drive - although most if not all are EMT students).
Looking for advise

I am a new Emt B in NJ amd im looking for a squad to run with. I would love to be paid but it may be unrealistic in the beginning, how to do find a squad to run with, most of the ones ive contacted are now paid departments
I waited a couple months after I got my card because my current job asked me to stay until they found someone to replace me. But once I applied it took a week to be called in for a interview and then a week after that I was offered the job. I just took my drug test and I have my physical in a few days.
the day i got my EMT-b state card in hand in the mail, i went and applied and was hired that same day.

so it didnt take long for me to find a job. i was also driving 3 hrs one way with that job i stayed there for 3 months resigned due to travel distance and also had to have surgery. after i was cleared to go back to work it took about a week to find another job.

im currently working on getting things together for paramedic school. taking A&P for HCP right now or 1st day is the 13th of jan. medic school starts in Aug. which im looking forward to that.

im hoping to get on as a Fire fighter/medic. and switch over to fire services i have my basic FF cert. right now so i can start working right away and go to rookie school when one comes available. really looking forward to that.