911 dispatcher who initially refused to send paramedics because I requested a "paramedic escort" (official term in the county wide policy book for any patient transported with paramedics, and I have a bad habit of letting stupid official terms make its way into my vocab), followed by attempted to EMD me and then refusing to give me an ETA because the paramedics were "responding with lights and sirens." When I call for paramedics (which was done through the 911 system), I always ID myself as "___ Ambulance crew." I so should have called the non-emergent number and complained to the supervisor over this one just due to the pure stupidity once the call was over.
Had a paramedic with another fire department (called for for a different patient) essentially order me to take my patient out of my ambulance and transfer it to the contracted 911 provider despite the patient being packaged, loaded into my ambulance, had report given to the paramedic in my ambulance and had the paramedic already initiating care in my ambulance because the other crew had a mod and we were in a van. This is despite the county medical director weighing in officially that this was never an appropriate request. However I'm not going to get in a **** measuring contest on scene over something like this.
Had RNs at a few places get mad for not calling paramedics. Probably the most memorable incident was the 20 second transport where the only traffic control device between me and the hospital was a stop sign and the hospital had to be passed just to get out of the neighborhood that the SNF was located at.