How about them other public safety officals

With the exception of a few "holier than thou" people in both the local FD/PD, as well as my company, relations are generally really cordial. In a personal sense, it helps to have my father/uncle both have 20+ yrs on the local FD, so I know all the FFs, and just about all the cops personally. the relationship helped with one particular incident, that will remain unexplained due to the people with fancy suits and fancy papers-in-frames on the wall telling everyone involved to keep their mouths shut
The only trouble I ever have with the police or sheriff's deputies is when they want to get in the ambulance and do their cop thing when I want to be on the way to the hospital. If I'm ready to go, and that patient needs to be going, we're leaving, and that's that.

The other day I shooed a trooper out of the back of my truck, and when he got down he said to my partner "Who's that woman in there? She's all business!"