holy crap


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Yep.. and the paramedic texts are written at year 16 level... that's college senior... so its not an easy read. Good luck to you.
I feel your pain, I am starting in the fall also and will soon have the same stakc of books, good luck to you..
Now you know why we're sometimes arrogant...it's because we've paid for that sin in full.
Still haven't gotten my stack-o-books yet. I need to check with the EMS chief to find out if they have been ordered yet. I would really like to get them at least a couple weeks before class so I can look over them a bit ahead of time.
Keep in mind those books contain the minimum amount of knowledge to do the job. They are not all you need to know to do it.

I liken new paramedics to new black belts. They are convinced they have learned everything then reality slaps them silly. Boy, I love that look on their faces. And yes I wore that look too, once upon a time.

At least ACLS is remediate to pass now. When I went through it the first time it was pass/fail, and failure meant immediate expulsion with only one month of class left.

Don't ever get rid of your Taber's book. It will come in handy from now on.
Holy crap is right! And to think I have been totally freaking out about starting my EMT-B course next month because I thought the text was so huge. I feel better already! :)

Seriously, best of luck to you.
Yup. And each Paramedic Care text has an optional workbook you can get too. Fun times!!!
How much did those books set you back? That's a lot of reading!
I know how ya feel. I started A&P in feb. got my "stack-o-books" in April,Im still wading through them!! One of the first things i did was buy a bookshelf,cause my stack aint goin nowhere!!! Good luck in class and in your career.
Hey Kev,

Hope your TB is getting better ;)
books were about 800. inst told us to skip the wrkbook. then theres a few books we've yet to get.
Yep.. and the paramedic texts are written at year 16 level... that's college senior... so its not an easy read. Good luck to you.

Sorry, that is not true. According to the publisher it is at 10'th grade level and the basic material is at 6'th to 8'th grade level. Unfortunately, NO EMS reading material is past high school reading level!

This is why most classes are not rated at collegiate level. Rather at technical or trade school level.

Good luck in school!

R/r 911
Sorry, that is not true. According to the publisher it is at 10'th grade level and the basic material is at 6'th to 8'th grade level. Unfortunately, NO EMS reading material is past high school reading level!

R/r 911

Gee.. that’s weird, because the Journal of Health Occupations Education describes a very extensive study that rates the various texts, including nursing. It included Bledsoe, Porter and Shade's Paramedic Emergency Care (one of my texts). This text's Flesch grade is 15, its Kincade Flesch is 11.8, Dale Chall rates it at 15, Raygor at 15 and Fry at 14. My instructor was quoting the school's own rating that put it at 16, well past 10th.

Now, there is a total argument for readability vs. learnability, but, thats another topic.
Actually, my resource came from Dr. Bledsoe and Brady themselves. As well as no major EMS magazine will usually publish anything over a 10'th grade reading level... attempt it and it will be sent back to you after the review. I am a reviewer for both Brady/Mosby publishers. Trust me, attempt to write anything at such levels... again, this is why the profession is still rated at a technical and vocational level. The rating may towards the content not the wording or proportion of the text. The same in regards to Dubin's ECG text, which is rated at upper level reading, although it uses very simplistic wording.

Now, the CCP text is just rated over into the mid-collegiate level. The reason being again, the average reading level is of that. This is one of the problems text writers have of attempting to convey needed medical didatic and illustrating procedures. Dr. Bledsoe has discussed this of his frustrations of atttempting to increase the knowledge of the Paramedic to the appropriate level with the current reading level that is set at. As well he described his frustrations of having "everything" in one text or manuals.

Most health professionals individual topics such as pyschology, o.b., assessment texts are usually > than 2000 pages alone. So for example when comparring the obsterics or psychiatric emergencies against other medical professionals, it hard to compare.

I agree it is getting better, and that can be contributed to recent authors and persistance of EMS promoters, such as Dr. Bledsoe... but, we still have a long ways to go.

R/r 911