With all due respect, but I could not disagree with this statement more. My volunteer agency tries to staff 2 ambulances, and most of the time we do just that. if we get a 3rd calls, it becomes an all call, and members are asked to respond to staff the ambulance.
Parasite, thank you for the respect. I think you misunderstood my meaning or took something out of context. Looking at what I stated about the agency I helped redesign, one can deduce the following:
-Some attendants quit following SOPs and protocols.
-Some attendants placed safety on the back burner.
-Some attendants quit caring about helping others, and instead turned to self-gratification.
That is not a safe system, nor is it one which provides the public much benefit. I believe you feel that I have attacked your system in some way, so, unless you feel that the above are OK, and your systems fit in with that, I believe there has been a misunderstanding. I hope this post corrects that.
As for the rest, I cannot adequately comment on your system, as I am not informed of the specifics. The volunteer system I work with has a medical director who prohibits such actions. Luckily for us, he worked HEMS for 14 years and ground medic before that, as well as running an ED, so he has a great understanding. If we run out of units, we have solidified mutual aid agreements in writing; we also staff a third unit QRU. In dire emergencies, the state allows this to be used as a transporting unit.
There are many things which are hard to do, but rarely are things impossible. I don't know about your system, so, as I said, I can't speak for it. With knowledge, dedication, honesty, and a few thousand hours, a lot can be accomplished.
As always, feel free to yell at me, PM me, or just post it here if you have any questions, comments, or just wonder where I hid the bodies.