Scott and vent? Agreeing? WHAT?
Anyways, i was probably semi tired when I read the above!
mycrofft, that's why I was suggessting helmets. I was holding pressure on the carotid and jugular and I was as close to the cabinet as I could get. The impact for me was not as hard as for the medic and student who traveled 4 or 5 times the distance I did. Further I had my ankle dug in right next to the cabinet which is how I twisted myself to let my bulletproof vest take the full brunt of the impact. I thought helmets might help incase I also hit my head, but from the previous posters, some think that halmets can actually be detrimental.
I guess my new question is, in addtional to using those restraints that everyone has mentioned but no one has provided an example of, why would helmets be detrimental?