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Heartland switching to mannequins for PALS training
After more than 25 years using live cats in its pediatric advanced life support (PALS) course, Heartland Regional Medical Center is making the switch to state-of-the-art mannequins.
The intent behind using cats always has been to provide as lifelike a situation as possible in training medical professionals to intubate the small airways of infants and other young children, Heartland has said in the past, and cats’ airways are similar to those of children. The hospital drew criticism from PETA in June for its use of cats, but maintained that the cats were treated humanely and that they were its best training option — until recently.
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After more than 25 years using live cats in its pediatric advanced life support (PALS) course, Heartland Regional Medical Center is making the switch to state-of-the-art mannequins.
The intent behind using cats always has been to provide as lifelike a situation as possible in training medical professionals to intubate the small airways of infants and other young children, Heartland has said in the past, and cats’ airways are similar to those of children. The hospital drew criticism from PETA in June for its use of cats, but maintained that the cats were treated humanely and that they were its best training option — until recently.
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