Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

relaxed... but since that probably wouldn't have happened, can't say i woulda changed a thing. studied about as much as i could tolerate, asked questions of my teachers and preceptors... not sure what else i really could have done..
Just don't leave anything up in the air. Think of questions to yourself, and if you don't have the answer - find it!

The more you understand the more prepared you will be. Understanding is, in my opinion, the absolute key to passing the NREMT exam.
Hey just to let everyone know I'm taking my test again the 26th. This will be my third attempt and hopefully my last one and I can get certified. I've been in my books and been taking a lot of test preps. There is a website called emtb.com that's been helpful. Wish me luck everyone. Thanks for the support!
That really sucks man. I would definitely get in touch with them and try to get some information. I'm about to take my test for the third time and I've been studying a lot for it. I wish I could take a written test tho. This computer crap, to me, isn't fair. But I also want to pass it on the computer to prove that I can do it. Good luck to you.
I spent a good two months solid teaching test-taking skills to my students. Here's my method with the NREMT test:
1. If you aren't comfortable with computers, take the paper test!
2. Get a good nights sleep, eat a good breakfast (meat, etc).
3. Arrive early, don't cram!
4. Read the question twice.
5. Read all of the answers.
6. On standardized tests, there are usually two right answers, one trick answer, and one totally wrong answer.
7. Eliminate the oddball wrong answer.
8. Eliminate the "If I skimmed through the text I might think this is the answer, but it clearly isn't answer."
9. Of the two remaining, select the most correct answer.
10. Only change your original answer if you are 100% sure that your new answer will be correct.
11. I don't know if they allow it on the computer, but if they do, when you're done I'd check back over each answer to confirm that it is correct.

Test taking is mostly knowledge, but I'd say a good 25% if it is learning how to be a good test taker.
I agree, there is only so much that your mind can absorb. you need full cycles of REM sleep in order for your brain to translate the information from the hippocampus to the appropriate areas of your brain. it would be the best solution not only to sleep well but also only to study in bursts like MMiZ stated.
Hey Cindy.
I recently took my NREMT-B exam a few weeks ago and passed. I actually waited almost a year after I took the emt-b course to test under NR.
At first, I was a little nervous since it had been so long. What I did to prepare is read all the chapter reviews from my EMT-B book. Then I went over all my old tests and quizzes from the EMT-B course. Finally, I used the emtb.com website, took all their chapter pretests and the Registry Review.

Good-luck on Thursday! Get plenty of rest! :)
Hey just to let everyone know I'm taking my test again the 26th. This will be my third attempt and hopefully my last one and I can get certified. I've been in my books and been taking a lot of test preps. There is a website called emtb.com that's been helpful. Wish me luck everyone. Thanks for the support!

Third attempt? For a basic exam?

I actually think it might be wiser just to go through a better EMS program.
Well we'll see about that if i don't make it through the third time. I happen to think the CBT process is a rip off. But I took it through my college and they actually have a really good EMS program. The course itself was taught by a 30 year Paramedic Veteran from Cincinnati Fire Department. I could not believe the amount of knowledge this man knew about the EMS field. All in all the program I went through was pretty challenging but also fun. I wouldn't say it was a bad program at all. I could've have taken the same thing at a different school and not have gotten my associates degree at all.
Unfortunately you can't go back and check your answers. That's where I keep getting in a bit of trouble because I have a thought process that kind of leap frogs. I always go back and check every one of my answers and will catch my mistakes. With the NREMT CBT you get one question at a time and one chance to get it right.
When you take your test you should be given a dry erase board and a dry erase marker.....USE THEM! And look at the top of the screen, your name will be there along with your current test #, and time remaining. Here is a tip on what helped me, I re-read my class book(from Brady), took the online quizzes from brady's homepage(http://wps.prenhall.com/chet_limmer_emergencycare_10/), took the interim tests in the brady workbook, reviewed and studied my tests from class and then had my wife and co-workers read questions to me from the workbook.

If you have tried the test three times and failed....it's you, not the system. Study, take your time and you will do just fine. Best of luck to you!
Here we go...

Well I'm about to head in for my third attempt. I must say I feel better than I did the last two times and I've studied much harder, and have done a lot more to prepare myself. Thanks for the support from everyone and I'll let ya'll know how it goes tomorrow. I hope I get it this time.
YOU WILL GET IT THIS TIME! And if you don't I will come to Indiana and kick your @$$ if you don't.
Well took it this time and got kicked off after question 121. My last question was an OB question which I'm sure I got right. I remember the question coming straight out of my course text book. So...i'll be having trouble sleeping tonight and hoping and praying that I passed.
check your answer and if it is right then you passed.
Took NREMT JUNE 26,2008

I am so scared! Most of my classmates that took the test said that they had approximately 70 questions, 65, 51, 76 and 83. The 65, 76 and 51 failed. When I tested I had 120 questions. That was the max that the NREMT would ask on our exam. Why did I have so many questions. I am so afraid that I bombed that test. I will let you guys know what happened when I get my pass or fail score. I just know I failed. If I did, I'll be preparing to take it over again. Good luck to all that are about to take the exam.
Amount of test questions

Hey. Out of curiosity, what was the maximum number of questions that you were asked on your NREMT? Did you pass or fail?
I wish i would have seen this forum earlier cause there are a couple things ive learned from the exams that might help someone:

1. Always choose the most correct answer, a lot of times there will be more then one right answer so you have to see which one is more right.

2. Never read too far into the questions, you can only use the information provided in the question, don't add to it.

3. Go with the basics, I know i had one question that was about airway and the right answer was to remove the pillow from behind the persons head, it would have been easy to automatically go with the answer that listed putting in an airway venilating patient with a bvm connected to oxygen, but really the simple answer was what needed to be done immediately.

Anyway hope your test went better this time.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back with everyone. I've been celebrating today... I PASSED! Thanks to everyone who provided great studying materials, books, tips, etc. If you put the time in honestly, read every question and answer COMPLETELY then you CAN pass. The test actually kicked me off after question 121 yesterday with my last question being an OB one about patient care after child birth AND placenta delivery. I knew I had this one right as it was my very last question. Once again, thanks everyone!