For Sapphyre...
- How did your username come about?
- What are some of your favorite things to do in SoCal?
- Do you have a big family?
- Do you decorate your house for the holidays?
- It's a Saturday night. You off of work and don't have to go in on Sunday. Whatcahdoin'?
1. When it came time to grow up and create an adult online personality, I was having trouble coming up with something. Now, even though I'm an April baby, diamonds are NOT this girl's best friend. Good quality, dark blue sapphires are. But, I had to be weird and alter the spelling...
2. Favorite things to do in SoCal? When I have the money, Disney's nice. So is Universal (yup, same parks as in Florida, but we have the originals

) Otherwise, I LOVE to go up into the mountains, and walk the forest trails. Never been a surfer, or skier, and I'm not really into celebrity spotting (although I have met Ahnold, and nearly, literally, ran into APL).
3.My immediate family growing up as blended at least once by all parental units (as in, I have step siblings who have other step siblings who have other half siblings, my family tree looks like it should be from the south).
4. I do not decorate for the holidays, me and Christmas do not get along, and I only recently started putting up a tree. I do not currently decorate for other holidays.
5. There is no such beast, I work saturday nights

However, should such an event occur, I'd be drinking. Either at Howl at the Moon (Sunday nights are better though), or at home. (and before anyone asks, drink of choice, reposado grade tequila, straight, no lime no salt). Or, I might curl up on the couch with hubby and a stack of decent action DVDs, and my knitting.
For AirwayGoddess:
1. What are your hobbies?
2. Why the obsession with Randy Mantooth (cause, well, Kevin Tighe was SO much hotter)?
3. Are you really a SoCal native, or are you just messing with us?
4. Will you adopt me?