@DragonClaw this thread pertains to you. Give us “old salts” something to consider. Offer some of
your generational insights...
Hmm. Disclaimer, not everything is true to everyone my age group and I certainly don't believe it all.
Well my folks are big into memes. I'm too young to be a millennial. They are like 30 with kids.
We're used to having people look down on us. Say we have poor work ethic or acting like we know everything. Doesn't even matter if it's true or not.
Going to work and school is harder than it used to be with inflation and many boomers just don't get it. We are tired of "When I was your age".
Many of us are doomers, thinking the world has gone to crap and there's not much in the way of fixing it.
Technology is our thing. The latest apps, trends and things are a central hub for us to communicate.
Some of us are hyper-agressive due to them thinking they're a victim because they've beg raised told that. Things like actual physical tantrums are coming back.
Gender issues are peak. Some say you can be anything you say and that's okay. Biology becomes an archaic concept.
Things like expressing one's self are also peak. Colored hair, tattoos and other things show others the kind of person you are. It's an advertisement of sorts, but don't call it that.
Casual romance means you have power. Your body becomes a bargaining chip. But don't call it that either or they'll get mad.
Moving out at 18 is less a thing. It's just costing more money to do and many parents don't mind.
In the workplace, we dress more casually than others. If we don't like how things are, we know eventually things will change when the older people die out.
Many think free healthcare and other things are a right, voting for something else means you side with the rich and powerful and evil.
Racism and sexism and thinking people are nazis are back in style to get mad about.
In a home life, most people I talk to think moving in before marriage is mandatory. That abortion is a right.
Messaging with someone in the same room or next to you is okay. It's not really different than talking.
Trying to greet someone with a firm handshake isn't really needed anymore. It might be unwanted touching or presumptuous.
We get news from memes and social sites like Facebook and reddit.
If they're the kind to do it, doing keto, yoga, etc is a way to be healthy. Paying more for meal prep that's catered to you. Essential oils to fix things instead of meds.
They kind of try to reject the prior culture, seemingly because they can.
Not trying to start anything, but CCCSD would be a prime example of those that they dislike due to the complex he/she has. That is the kind of thinking that makes us quit jobs or report people for hostile work environments or such. In EMS we're a bit different, but if they managed a retail store or restaurant, they'd be prime example of a popular Twitter series about a bad boss.
Largely because it's "I'm your boss and this is how it is. Little people don't matter and you should listen to me" is the kind of vibe you get from it.
And nowadays we want to be heard. Even if we're wrong, we want to be able to say our piece instead of being shut down. We have different priorities.
Pets are kids. Furbabies, scalebabies etc. We buy then lavish items and food and cater to them. And if we had to take time off for our pets well being and then we're in trouble for not being at work? Heartless boss. It would be a *Nobody liked that* kind of thing.
The idea of a powerful woman appeals to the female group. Like Mortica or something like that from the Addams family. She, Daria and a few others are popular figures.
Entertainment is largely digital. Phone apps, movies, Netflix etc are just ways to kill time and relax. Other things are not cost effective and should be carefully planned.
Things like "Mood", "Big Oof" , "Oof", "F", "Vibing", "Yeet", "Big Sad" portray emotions.
"Bois", "Birbs", "Floofs", and other such words exist to make things lighthearted. Bois are like good people or things and can be used as bois or with a description. Birbs are bird. Floofs are anything fluffy, usual an animal.
"Absolute unit", "Thicc", "Chonkers" are bigger things that are comical or funny usually. If you saw a particularly large fluffy dog one might say "This boi is a heccin chonkers floof, he thicc".
Thicc is good. Can refer to animals, people or non life forms. Most things can be referred to anything if used properly
Mood is often like a sad realization but can be good mood depending on prior context.
Big sad is a way to talk about depression without getting to clinical and kind of make it okay.
F means you feel badly for a situation.
Oof is kinda like "cringe" but less severe. Big oof is a step inbetween.
If a buddy pokes at you, especially if they're right you might say "Boi", all by itself. It just means they're pushing it, but in a comical way.
"Right in the feels" means that's triggered an emotion response, often a kind of sadness or nostalgia. or it hit hard.
I could go on, but if you read that and are still confused, I'll throw an f in chat for our bois we lost.
A lot of humor has turned dark, to nihilism, self deprecation etc.
But there's also a line of trying to get help when needed, especially mental health. There's things like "Lifting ya bois up" and bring "Queens" and "Kings". Kings and queens are good people that don't get bothered and in the face of hardship don't give up. They lift others up.
Or they've done something famous that was considered to be sufficient. Like if a guy had a bad boss so he decided to get even by like doing something crazy or clever and unapologetic. Like if you got an unjust fine and paid in pennies.
Things like sending a meme (excuse my language) that says "Did you drink water today, you filthy *****" means you care. Water and hydration memes are in season.
Calling a friend a ho isn't bad if it's not meant to be.
We have become pretty derogatory and fowl mouthed and kinda uncouth.
A lot of us don't want to immediately settle down but want to enjoy life first. Having kids is often time not really a part of that. Referring to children as animals, monsters "crotch goblins" and other things are common. They're an expense and hindrance and not really what we want right now.
Being yourself and trying to make your own way means you realized you don't want to suffer under the yoke your parents tried to pass onto you. Just because it's done doesn't mean we want any part of it.
Women will encourage each other to dump men they think are bad to an extreme degree. "Sis, leave him" to a girl you met once isn't really ask that unacceptable if she's given you the story about them.
Immediate family bonds are not as strong, especially if the child thinks they've been wronged constantly. People my age increasingly encourage others to sever ties to toxic family members and pursue what they want instead.
Parenting now means you probably need to be your kids friend more than before. You need to be "cooler" and on their level. Otherwise they'll think you're just judgmental and things will fall on deaf ears.
I won't forget how I taught my dad memes and we were in the living room. We'd bright food in and the trash was still there. Crumbs and plates, not a huge mess. But, He goes "Do you want ants, this is how you get ants" and I couldn't argue that.
If your kid wants to buy something and it's not a good deal, (excuse my language again) "The price is too damn high" might come into play.
Of course everything doesn't have to be memes or internet speak, but if you know the lingo, you might get a "Speech 100" moment you might not have.
Talking down to us like we'll never achieve anything is old news. That just means you're an old curmudgeon. Teaching and leading by example is not new, but more important.
We can be easily amused by things like a "Yeet cannon" or "Boaty McBoat Face". The pictures of an inflatable dying giant yellow duck on the Thames, a story someone told, whatever.
If you're very entertained by it, "I'm dying ☠
☠" is appropriate.
It's become very Zoomer vs Boomer kind of thing. Okay boomer is our way of saying that we don't really care that you're so out of touch. Like we tried but it's not gonna work so we're stopping trying.
A Karen is a generic complainer who makes mountains out of molehills. Often times middle aged, possibly divorced.
A Kyle is a high energy guy. The drinking monster and punching drywall is a testament to his power. Shaggy from Scooby Doo is a symbol of raw power on a godlike level. Like scary powerful, less Kyleish and more just plain destruction.
Maybe I've kind of deviated from the point but these things are our culture. If someone online gets upset over nothing or even if it'd a friend and we want to let them know they're being too much "Calm down Kyle/Karen" is a way to say it. Among friends it's fun, among internet strangers it's an insult.
Discord serves for chat via text and voice are popular. You pick what servers to be in.
Things change faster and faster and for those who can't keep up, oof.
If you want a specific answer, more than happy to oblige.