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IK this has nothing to do with what ur posting but i rember not to long ago i was sitting at wrk new yrs eve we were getting slamed with calls that night along with every other ems/fire crews in the us we were just clearning the call when the dispacher alerted us of an emotional disssorder at the local city pd station we went respondoing it was abought 4 mins till we got on the scene i grab the 1st in bag and tell the driver to bring the streacher to the front door i also had a jr aide with me we go to the front desk and they point and say cell block A we get in there to find a 27yo fm Naked so i asked the cop why is she all naked and he sead becase she keep trying to hang her self so we striped her down i started chuckleing right as we walk in the lady came running after me full force and smack she came at me so hard i thought i got tackeled by emit smith ha when i got my barings every one was trying to calm this lady down we finaly get her on the streacher we almost got her in the ambulance and smack i relli thought i got hit by mike tyson all along this lady was beating the C R A P out of me mind you she was like 5'2 175 i was all embarissed the got her in the ambulance and i was trying to suck in all the pain on of the cops look at me and says witch one of u needs to go to th hospital i laghuf and get in2 the ambulance and find my EMT student and my EMT/DRIVER try to strap this lady in still the driver tryed to get her to lay back and was holding her head when smack he gets head butted and his nose started to bleed so i tell him to go up front right away and go lights/sirens hard to the hosptal finaly my emt student screams at the top of her lungs at first i thought i was going crazy but she sead i can scream louder now are you gona let us be in charge nd she all of a sudden stoped and sead well if u say so she sead ru gona stop hiting john becase i think he is very good looking do u want him to stay that way she sead yea and looked at me and sead ur safe cuz ur hot when we get to the hospital she didnt give us any trouble but right as i get out off the ambulance i triped and fell flat on my face and started bleeding from the head we walked in the two grown me on with a nose bleed and the other bleeding from the head and an emt jr untouched the nurse who i was good friends with sead u like it ruff dont ya john i laguhfed ha thought this would give u guys a good laghuf