So heres my .02 If you can get the experience first. Definitely. As everyone else has already said BLS before ALS. With that being said i have never worked as an EMT and am in paramedic school. The reason i did that was because 1. my dad is paying for it and 2. i thought i was going to have a job the whole time i was in medic school. Unfortunately once i started medic school (and my dad had already started paying), i was hired but then told that i could not work for them unless i could do their training. Well at my medic school if you miss more than 3 days of class you are kicked out, and they wanted me to miss 4. Needless to say i couldn't take the job. As much as i know i should have the experience, i also know that i need to take advantage of my dad paying for the paramedic school. If i were to drop medic school and go get the job, my dad wouldn't pay for medic school again. SO, for me yea... It's going to be harder, definitely. I will probably work as an EMT-B once i get my paramedic license for atleast 6 monthes just to get the hang of everything and then i'll move up to paramedic. The thing is, there are some good paramedics out there who had absolutely no emt-b experience... Yes, they are rare and they have to prove themselves but they are out there and i plan on being one of them. SO, if you have the scholarship, i'd say do it. Unless ofcourse you can afford to pay for it later on in life. If possible get a job first and work while in medic school. So, i wish you all the best and hope whatever you chose works out for you.