Forum Name


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How did you come up with your forum name?

For me, it was easy. The "ffemt" part is obvious, I'm a FF/EMT. The 8978 is my department employee number.
Well, I was a tall, skinny kid...okay, still am. LOL There is a very embarassing picture taken of me when I was about 12 years old and it looks like I have really really long, skinny arms, like a chimp. My brother started calling me Chimp and as I got older other versions came about. Now his wife and their two kids call me Uncle Chimpie. Can't get away from it now. :)
Originally posted by Chimpie@Jun 20 2004, 09:07 PM
Well, I was a tall, skinny kid...okay, still am. LOL There is a very embarassing picture taken of me when I was about 12 years old and it looks like I have really really long, skinny arms, like a chimp. My brother started calling me Chimp and as I got older other versions came about. Now his wife and their two kids call me Uncle Chimpie. Can't get away from it now. :)
I think I'll stick to calling you Chimpie :P
This is the name I use on all the forums I'm involved with and comes from my paying job as a safety professional. If you want the $1.50 definition of that, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals has a great definition here).
The sunshine part comes from high school, when I got sunburned and everyone said I was glowing "as bright as sunshine." The 1026 is my station number.
well TK are my initials and TKO is "too keep open" regarding IV therapy.
And see, I thought TKO stood for Total Knock Out... and judging by your picture... wait, I have a g/f... darn-it. :angry: :blink: B)

LMAO...good one! Thx
Good ego boost for TK!!!
MMiz = Matt + How the first part of my last name sounds.

I've used varations of the name since I first used AOL many years ago. I'm just used to it by now.
LOL...every person I talk to online has to make some comment about MY name,lol. The Gizmo part is a nickname my boyfriend gave me when I was a junior in high school cause he said I was little and cute like Gizmo from Gremlins, and the Spunky part is just something I came up with eons ago, cause it sounded cool,lol. I use spunkygizmo for everything now,lol. :D
This is easy - Citizen Kane is held in very high regard on my movie favorite list... I just modified 'Kane' to better reflect my families last name. :)
Well, um, I'm a rescue lieutenant. :D
pretty easy for mine lol...trauma - im a trauma junkie and im a girl :D the 1029 use to have a special meaning *being Oct 29* but i'd rather just not go there..its also my AOL screen name so its easier to remember using the same name for everything...i am blonde..i forget things easily lol!
Normally, I use Compumedic since I'm a computer and IT guru but sort of got tired of it. ResTech... just think it's sounds good, love rescue, and am a MFRI certified Rescue Technician and Pennsylvania Vehicle Rescue Technician (VRT).
Originally posted by traumagirl1029@Jul 11 2004, 09:50 AM
pretty easy for mine lol...trauma - im a trauma junkie and im a girl :D the 1029 use to have a special meaning *being Oct 29* but i'd rather just not go there..its also my AOL screen name so its easier to remember using the same name for everything...i am blonde..i forget things easily lol!
Wouldn't have anything to do with my brother, would it? ;) His birthday is Oct. 29. :D
I'm a FF and the only female at my station - the guys call me the Firechic.