Forum has really slowed down eh?

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Anyone else notice the forum has really slowed down? Not as many people posting and replying to threads as before? Where did everyone go?
I'm not certain. I've been taking a bit of a break myself and just busy with the rest of life.

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Several of the other forums I either post or lunk on have all but dried up and blown away. This is actually one of the more active forums out there. I think the periods of activity/non activity are just cyclical.
'Tis cyclical, me thinks. Remember that it's currently getting toward the end of the traditional school year and those of us (not me) that are still in school at this point are probably getting ready for Finals. By "getting ready" I mean going "Oh FECES!!! I need to CRAM for FINALS!!!!

Some of the rest of us are waiting for their kids to get out of school, or are knee deep in planning for the Summer's activities. I'm sure by week's end (or maybe next week's end for sure) my kid will have nearly every day of Summer planned... to the Nth degree,courtesy of the Spouse and great Mother of my kid.
I haven't been a member for a long time...but, honestly, I've been reading here less and less because the interesting topics have disappeared and the ones that could just be "stickies" get restarted over and over again...

"Should I work during paramedic school"?

"What should I do to prepare for EMT"?

"Failed the what"?

I'm tired of re-answering the exact same questions over and over, and the meaningful discussion just doesn't seem to be there.

So, I hop on once a week or so, scroll through the threads and end up skipping most of them.
The "same old questions" thing is always a problem in threaded discussion forums. The same 10 questions every few months. The same on the Jeep forum. The same on the broadcast technical forum. The same on the Motorola radio forum... You just get used to it.

I find some of the discussion here is still relevant and I enjoy reading the posts from people that I've come to "know" via their online persona.
Haven't been a Basic for long and a member here for even less time. That being said, I do learn a lot from you all that have been in the "business" for awhile. First call/last call of the day, scenarios. Good stuff.
Hey there. I've been on this thread for some years and post once in a blue moon. I think it's just a phase, calm before the storm. Summer tends to have interesting calls especially when you add ETOH and humid nights, with that will come conversation. As far as " the same old questions" it will always be there. It's what gets people talking but unfortunately most are met with the usual " it's a little thing called search, " or something to that effect. This very matter of fact responses tend to silence the new comers. Hopefully we learn to appreciate the fact that people continue to seek out this amazing forum and not seemed so bothered by inquiries. Over all. I love this forum. Very informative and at times hilarious, " I am who I am " comes to mind lol.
I am in the process of becoming a basic and you guys are an invaluable source of information, I know i will be staying if that makes a difference :)
I've needed a slight break. My whole life is EMS right now, so when I have some downtime, my inclination is not to add to it.

But then we starting rad calls again and my perspective changes.
Honestly, at this time I am mainly just reading the "most interesting thing that happened on a call" forum. Otherwise, I haven't started my training yet and I am just slowly going through the education info as a good intro/dive into the EMT world.
I suppose activity fluctuates, I myself take extended breaks and then return to being more active... I have just never noticed it this slow, but I am sure it will pick up soon
I noticed the lack of activity also. I only login while on-duty so i know im not of much help!
Our activity cycle is funny to watch. No rhyme or reason.

And I hear/see about EMTLIFE in weird places. I was walking through our local hospital parking lot, and I saw an retro sticker on the license plate.

My friend was discussing the EMTLIFE instagram account with someone in the ED he works in. He said several people, nurses even, all chimed in about how they love visiting the site, how useful the information is, etc. He said he was blown away with how many people quickly chimed in about how they knew and visited the site regularly.
I mostly browse the posts myself. I think the scenarios are probably some of the best posts, it gets us discussing treatments and diagnosis of patients. It's good for both experienced and inexperienced providers to learn things, especially stuff some may not have been exposed to in school. Not to mention it's always entertaining to see the treatments that the different users have available. One thing that is nice about the site is it's not just a bunch of EMTs and paramedics, but filled with all levels of providers. You can really get a lot out of talking with people when you have questions and are willing to admit that you don't know as much as you think you do.
We need some more drama to spice things up. Consider unblocking MrBrown? :D
Oh yeah, that would get things heated up! Mr Sultan or w.e his name was lol
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