Fireman Suspended Over US Flag Decal

This from the same woman who said that it's OK to violate regulations/laws if it's the moral thing to do or if the homeless guy looks really hungry.... :lol:

However, I agree: nothing means nothing regardless of the chest thumping attitude of "patriots" and this is coming from someone who has put his life at risk to protect this country.

No one will suffer from not having a sticker on their locker like someone will suffer from not having food. And for the record, I wasn't aware of any laws that prevented it at the time and was upset that there was a policy against it. But once I found out did i go and blatantly violate it? No, I actually talked to the supervisor about it later, and had a better understanding of their policy.
Anything. What's going to happen when someone posts the flag of their heritage? Imagine the outrage if a fire fighter from Mexico puts the Mexican flag up? Or China and Chinese flag?

Union stickers, which will lead to political stickers, which will lead to stickers in general. It's much easier to enforce a full ban on stickers than to fairly enforce a partial ban.

its a sticker eat sticker world
i think it should left up to the mother
And for the record, I wasn't aware of any laws that prevented it at the time and was upset that there was a policy against it.

LOL Ever heard the phrase "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? Also I was referring to your getting so upset when you found out it was against the law to feed the homeless, etc. BTW, I'm glad you've decided to not break the law about feeding and giving money to human detritus even if you disagree with it.

No one will suffer from not having a sticker on their locker like someone will suffer from not having food.

People also suffer because of the crime associated with the homeless, they serve as potential disease reservoirs, they cause traffic problems and drive down property values. I think people around them suffer far more than they do but let's not go there because I don't want to have to make you claim I'm a cold, unfeeling sonofa***** for not caring about some panhandlers.
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I have heard of the phrase and think it's a load of BS.

Yes I was upset, I still don't like it.

And stop hijacking this thread for your propoganda.
LOL Ever heard the phrase "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? Also I was referring to your getting so upset when you found out it was against the law to feed the homeless, etc. BTW, I'm glad you've decided to not break the law about feeding and giving money to human detritus even if you disagree with it.

People also suffer because of the crime associated with the homeless, they serve as potential disease reservoirs, they cause traffic problems and drive down property values. I think people around them suffer far more than they do but let's not go there because I don't want to have to make you claim I'm a cold, unfeeling sonofa***** for not caring about some panhandlers.

Of course, because all homeless are degenerate drunks! Glad you don't work around here!;)
Hey....I know a lot of degenerate drunks and that's an insult to lump them in with the homeless! LOL

BTW, I know a small portion of the homeless are decent folks who aren't criminals but a higher proportion of them are criminals and their presence does detract from an area. It's not a character judgment so much as a statement of fact.

I have heard of the phrase and think it's a load of BS.

When it's blatantly obvious ("common sense") it's not BS. Other good examples include:
-Drunk driving in non-"car" or "truck" vehicles (riding lawnmower anyone?)
-BASE jumping off any building, bridge, etc you want

Of course, you also don't believe in holding people accountable for their actions if they have any half-*** excuse so I guess I should not expect you to agree to any other legal standard either.
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