The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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Fair enough. the argument isn't that he broke the department's rules, but rather he responded as a civilian, and as such, the rules don't apply to him. I guess the deciding factor will be did he identify himself as a firefighter on the scene, or just a helpful bystander? an interesting defense.If you work as a plumber and it's a weekend where you aren't working and stop to help at an accident scene should your boss be able to fire you?
But if he is just a civilian, than
you support his actions? you think it's right that a civilian can jump the call on a scanner? do you want to encourage scanner buffs with no training showing up at bad scenes, because "it's the right thing?"When does is it to do the right thing instead of the rules-based thing?
That might be a technical defense. It might even be a valid one. I still think the department is better off without him, and for the betterment of the department, think the firing was justified.