Here is my employers 'napping' policy. If the railroads can work something out, EMS should be able also.
1.11 Sleeping
Employees must not sleep while on duty, except as outlined under Rule 1.11.1 (Napping). Employees reclined with their eyes closed will be in violation of this rule.
1.11.1 Napping
Napping is permitted by train crews, except crews in passenger, commuter or yard service, under the following conditions:
• The crew is waiting for departure of their train.
• The train is stopped en route waiting to be met or passed by a train, waiting for track work, waiting for helper locomotive, or similar conditions.
Restrictions are as follows:
• A job briefing must be conducted, with agreement reached as to who will nap and who must remain awake. Each crew member has the right and responsibility to refuse to allow another crew member to take a nap if doing so could jeopardize the personal safety of employees, the train, or the public.
• One crew member must remain awake at all times.
• The nap period must not exceed 45 minutes, which includes the time needed to fall asleep.
The napping employee is relieved of all duties.
• Train must not be delayed for an employee to take a nap. When conditions allow the train to move, the employee who is to remain awake must immediately waken the napping employee.
• Before napping, while waiting for the arrival of their train, employees must ensure all duties have been completed. These duties include reviewing general orders and notices; securing and reviewing track warrants, track bulletins, and other paperwork, if available.
• Before napping is allowed en route, the employee in charge of the locomotive controls must:
1. Make at least ......
2. Place gen......
3. Center .......
• The employee who is to remain awake must remain on the locomotive while others on the locomotive are napping, except when inspecting passing trains.
• If waiting for the arrival of or make-up of train, one crew member must remain awake while waiting for their train’s arrival or make-up at their initial terminal unless arrangements have been made with a third party to wake up all crew members.
All crew members that are deadheading or otherwise relieved of duties may nap.