FDNY EMS Candidates

So they gave us a large red duffle bag, does that mean we don't have to buy a black one ?
No that's for your turnout gear, gloves and helmet
Turnout gear? Like the bunker gear? (heavy yellow looking pants and jacket) sorry I'm not really familiar with the exact terminology
Yes, bunker pants and coat aka turnout gear.
Thanks. I should've bought the black duffle bag at quartermaster but I was overwhelmed with all the stuff that it didn't come to mind. When would be the next opportunity to get one? Do you think ill get in any trouble if I get one on the first day ? (Tuesday)
Thanks. I should've bought the black duffle bag at quartermaster but I was overwhelmed with all the stuff that it didn't come to mind. When would be the next opportunity to get one? Do you think ill get in any trouble if I get one on the first day ? (Tuesday)
You can try today if your close to Queens. Try finding one in stores just make sure it's plain black no logos.
Might be able to get one Tuesday before 330 at quartermaster
Sucks unfortunately but yeah One long sleeve. My class was in July so we wore the two short sleeve light blue one.
Curious to know what thy will have you wearing. let us know.
All my shirts are B/O except one they gave me for HQ for Monday will their be an issue sine letter states the 7th we are to report with SS shirt
My list says long-sleeved shirt
Has any one from exam #7000 (July application) received their list number? I applied exam #7031 (September application) and figured I would receive my list number in March since it's 6 months but if people from July still haven't gotten theirs I can't see how those from September would be getting theirs any time soon either.

Congratulations to those getting ready to go in for March, best of luck.
I got two long sleeve and one short sleeve.
I brought home one long sleeve and one short sleeved and my other long sleeve is marked B/O. What does B/O stand for?
I brought home one long sleeve and one short sleeved and my other long sleeve is marked B/O. What does B/O stand for?
B/O stands for back order. That means that they ran out. Keep checking later on with quarter master yo find out if it has arrived. I didn't receive the rest of my stuff towards the las weeks of the academy.
Thank you
Congrats to everybody that got the call. Just a reminder, Monday is going to be a long day. Make sure you get a good night sleep so nobody falls asleep. There will be a lot of speeches and a lot of info to write down. If you can, bring a clip board to make writing easier because you will be sitting down but there will be no tables. Good luck!
I'll have dig out my paperwork and see what that says.

Because classes are so big now, Quarter Master runs out and they owe you items, they will tell your instructors when they come in and ask you to go get them.
So they gave us a large red duffle bag, does that mean we don't have to buy a black one ?

That RED duffle bag is solely for your Bunker gear, TRUST US wen we say you NEED that black duffle bag, and still not have enough room for all of your stuff, ( That is why I stress to bring draw string bags and hangers for your locker) DON'T FORGET TO BUY A LOCK FOR YOUR LOCKERS.
RED BAG is only for BUNKER GEAR and gloves, Helmet only.
Black is for your books (trust me one is the size of a volkswagen ), Lunch, sneakers if you are not leaving an extra pair in your locker.

Good luck
ATTN: To All Going In On Monday.
pay attention and keep you cell phones MIA, don't start off on the wrong foot.

Fort Totten;
Listen to your instructors and do as instructed ( You don't know everything and how you did things are irrelevant, Your training from now on is the FDNY way).
Respect your fellow probies and do yourselves a favor, stay away from the clicky groups, you are all equals.
breaking rules does not only mean YOU get punished your entire class does, so don't be that guy/gal.
13 weeks to some will seem long others quick, it all depends on you.
There is a study group an hour before class, I suggest you take it IT WILL HELP YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW.

Bring lunch, there are no deli's there, a lunch truck and a menu they deliver. If you looking to save cash then bring it from home.
Good Luck everyone !
Because classes are so big now, Quarter Master runs out and they owe you items, they will tell your instructors when they come in and ask you to go get them.

That RED duffle bag is solely for your Bunker gear, TRUST US wen we say you NEED that black duffle bag, and still not have enough room for all of your stuff, ( That is why I stress to bring draw string bags and hangers for your locker) DON'T FORGET TO BUY A LOCK FOR YOUR LOCKERS.
RED BAG is only for BUNKER GEAR and gloves, Helmet only.
Black is for your books (trust me one is the size of a volkswagen ), Lunch, sneakers if you are not leaving an extra pair in your locker.

Good luck
Thank you TechLife.
To everyone starting on monday:

  • be an hour early everyday. Don't be the guy who blames traffic for being late.
  • if you think you should shave, shave. You don't want to be written up for stupid shlt.
  • if you have a problem with an instructor, talk to a DI privately.
  • if you have a problem with a classmate, talk to a DI privately.
  • until you are told otherwise, leave your phones in your cars. Someone will inevitably fvck it up, don't let it be you.
  • when you leave every night, put your ID, tie, tie clasp inside your hat. Leave that in your car when you get home.
  • Bring plenty of snacks.
  • Anyone on tour 3: If you pay attention to Troisi, you will pass with flying colors. I didn't go to a single study session, and only studied at home for an hour before the state test, and I did 15 points better than my last refresher just by listening to him. 89 people took the state in Bravo Co, 89 people passed.
  • Do not drink and drive. Don't do it. Don't do it. Someone from our class lost his job 2 days before graduation for being an idiot. Don't do it.
  • Anyone here for fire. You won't be alone. Just remember this is your job for the next 5 years. Do it right.
Oh, one more thing. Whatever experience you have (NYC 911, volly, IFT, etc), leave it at the back door. You will sound like a douche if you start talking war stories. Trust me, I was guilty of it myself a few times. Don't gain a reputation for being cocky.
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