FDNY EMS Candidates

Does anyone know if they have started making calls for the July academy yet? Or if the class is still open or full already?
just got letter for psy exam for 27th at 8:15, didn't get a medical letter though. list number 24X exam 5003, anyone around my range only got the psy letter today? i thought it was usually a psy letter and medical?
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They don't come together...they're just delivered a few days apart. So the medical will prolly come within the week.
They don't come together...they're just delivered a few days apart. So the medical will prolly come within the week.
phew thanks alot, i thought the mailman lost my medical letter. from how people post their medical/psy dates i thought they mail it same day
just got letter for psy exam for 27th at 8:15, didn't get a medical letter though. list number 24* exam 5003, anyone around my range only got the psy letter today? i thought it was usually a psy letter and medical?
From what I have gathered, posting your full list number online on a public forum probably isn't the best idea since it is, I'm guessing, easily tracked back to you. Mods, can you assist in redacting at least the last digit? @Chimpie
From what I have gathered, posting your full list number online on a public forum probably isn't the best idea since it is, I'm guessing, easily tracked back to you. Mods, can you assist in redacting at least the last digit? @Chimpie
thanks, I will msg him now to see if he can help
Ballzolight ull be fine...people have posted full #s on this forum...not to mention offer letters that have names, addresses, etc.
During the Pat this past Saturday, we were told to call a number after Tuesday after 10am.. Anyone know the number and why we need to call them ?
The # is to confirm that u passed the drug test. They should've given you the # at PAT
It's on the paperwork inside the envelope they gave you. Hope my psych letter comes today
I'm list number 15* on exam 5003. I'm at my psych right now, 6/13.. Any ideas of what class I could be in?
they are up to a 1021, most of 4004 will be done with the July class...I would think the first 100 or so on 5003 would make it to Sept.
For those who got their medical letter/did their medical, on the page where it says notary do we get it notarized beforehand like our statements for our intake? and is it ok if we don't have proof of immunity records to bring in?
also for medical it says front entrance (west) 2nd floor, where do we actually go for the medical?
also for medical it says front entrance (west) 2nd floor, where do we actually go for the medical?
For the medical you check in at the desk and they'll probably make you wait in the auditorium or guide you upstairs
Ok took the medical and I'm overweight by about 30lbs. how long do they give you to lose the weight? I have a re-weight in a month. is that it? or do they keep rolling you? how does it work? thanks
Ok took the medical and I'm overweight by about 30lbs. how long do they give you to lose the weight? I have a re-weight in a month. is that it? or do they keep rolling you? how does it work? thanks
Hmm.. I believe they give you a month to lose it to the best of my knowledge.. But maybe someone that's been through this can shed some light on this??