FDNY EMS Candidates

Thanks to all for helping out with questions and answers

I was finally able to speak with my investigator

She explain to me that anyone who emt certificate card expires at the end of the year.
Need to go to a refresher course which is starting to begin in Feb class

Glad that mystery is solved
Sorry I am a little confused by what you wrote. Are you saying since your card expires you are held for feb because the feb class has a refresher? Or are you saying your card expires and you need to refresh before you are eligible? When you say end of the year you mean 2015 right? Probably a stupid question by me haha. Mine expires 12/15 maybe that's what the deal is?
I don't expire until 6/16. Silly question how old is everyone that has been skipped? 34 here. Just curious.
hey Johnny C

So I think you are asking if your card expires at the end of this year. We will not be asked for Jan classes
But we will have an offer for Feb class with a choice of emt or emd

What is you list number?
hey Johnny C

So I think you are asking if your card expires at the end of this year. We will not be asked for Jan classes
But we will have an offer for Feb class with a choice of emt or emd

What is you list number?
ay yeah that's what I thought you meant. I'm 270s on 4004. That would make sense. All the people I know who were called have cards that expre after 2015. Perhaps there's hope haha.
Johnny c

Looks like we are in the same boat

Let me know if you hear anything

I will do the same
Bam is right when I took my physical a lady that works for fdny forgot her name had told us a lot of ppl get skipped over because of soon to be expired EMT cards
The first time I was skipped over because as they were gathering those for the academy, my investigator retired. They then had someone call me to let me know that I had to go through the process again. I then had to take the PA and Med again. Ms. Peggy Quinn personally made sure I didn't take the psych again because my first one didn't expire. She also reassured me that I would be in the following academy.. 1 1/2 weeks before that academy, I received a letter saying that I was disqualified for having a health issue that they found at the Med. Now they accept my issue and I'm supposed to be looking forward to the Feb or April Academy. 65X
I got a lot of waiting to do im in the 1300's but thanks bro good luck to u this time around
Most likely not till the end of next week or even after that... Next class to fill will be the fen.9th day and night classes but the word is that they will be bigger than they ever have been.. So only time will tell
The first time I was skipped over because as they were gathering those for the academy, my investigator retired. They then had someone call me to let me know that I had to go through the process again. I then had to take the PA and Med again. Ms. Peggy Quinn personally made sure I didn't take the psych again because my first one didn't expire. She also reassured me that I would be in the following academy.. 1 1/2 weeks before that academy, I received a letter saying that I was disqualified for having a health issue that they found at the Med. Now they accept my issue and I'm supposed to be looking forward to the Feb or April Academy. 65X

My question...how much hope are you holding out for Feb.? I'm relatively close to your list # but I'm resigned to waiting another 8 weeks or whatever, which i believe everyone here can attest to, are the hardest weeks to endure.
Is anyone that got skipped over on outstanding certification when u call DCAS ?
I just checked the automated system and surprise surprise it now says I am on an outstanding certification list. I guess that I'd a step in the right direction lol
I just checked the automated system and surprise surprise it now says I am on an outstanding certification list. I guess that I'd a step in the right direction lol

What dose outstanding mean tho does it mean it passed final review?
My question...how much hope are you holding out for Feb.? I'm relatively close to your list # but I'm resigned to waiting another 8 weeks or whatever, which i believe everyone here can attest to, are the hardest weeks to endure.

I'm not exactly putting all my eggs in the February academy, if that's what you're asking. They told me Feb but I know it works different. They can call me whenever they want. I'm hoping it's soon.
Hey just got the call for February 9th, I am number 204 and deferred to the February class from the initial call a few weeks ago. Keep patient guys you'll get your call.