FDNY EMS Candidates

if you need to know if your papers are under final review you can call and ask to investagator batista she is one of the top people and i know she does a lot of the final reviews (she did mine)... but i warn you she is no one to mess with she does not play, very straight to the point.. so you have been warned...

Thanks. I might just wait since i know most of them dont want to be bothered and dont want to cause myself any issues.
That 490 guy is lying just by what he said "Feb 9 class isn't officially being offered yet" that's bs they offered it to me when they called me #405 exam #4004
Kid thinks I'm lying...what reason/benefit do I get from lying? They offered me Jan. 26th and said I can choose the Feb. 9th for a mixed class but even still nothing is gaurenteed, and that I have to sign a waiver saying I am deferring and that I understand people behind me will be filled for that class...and that nothing is gaurenteed for Feb. 9th, so nobody got the final offer yet as in "yeah your 100% in Feb. 9th, and your tour x"...those calls will be made once the 26th is filled, approx 2 weeks before Feb. 9th, just like every other academy...so get your facts straight and don't assume I'm lying, good luck in FDNY on the road and life with that mindset
Is there anybody from Staten Island here that is going in Feb 9th?
Lukgiel prolly has a lot on his plate right now.

Hoping they get thru half the list with the Jan and Feb classes.
Did anyone else receive an email from "Do-Not-Reply-NYCCareers@nyc.gov" requesting you to complete an electronic version of your SSN verification, CPD-B,and I-9. It is confusing because all of this information was submitted a long time ago. I have already received am offer letter for the January 26th class, but it is requesting I complete a whole other CPD-B in electronic format. Any help from the guys who started on the 12th or are staring on the 26th would be awesome.
Did anyone else receive an email from "Do-Not-Reply-NYCCareers@nyc.gov" requesting you to complete an electronic version of your SSN verification, CPD-B,and I-9. It is confusing because all of this information was submitted a long time ago. I have already received am offer letter for the January 26th class, but it is requesting I complete a whole other CPD-B in electronic format. Any help from the guys who started on the 12th or are staring on the 26th would be awesome.
I received it but I don't know what it is I don't know how to even log in
Did anyone else receive an email from "Do-Not-Reply-NYCCareers@nyc.gov" requesting you to complete an electronic version of your SSN verification, CPD-B,and I-9. It is confusing because all of this information was submitted a long time ago. I have already received am offer letter for the January 26th class, but it is requesting I complete a whole other CPD-B in electronic format. Any help from the guys who started on the 12th or are staring on the 26th would be awesome.

Thats for payroll. That's so FDNY can pay you.
It doesn't have to be filled out as in depth. Meaning you don't have to put unemployment and etc. That's how they explained it to me. You have to fill out all the forms and submit them, otherwise there will be a delay with you getting payed
Hey Manny06

Your list number is 405

What score did you receive 70,75,80. Etc.....
Last update was someone with number 492 got called...bUT in between that many of us didn't get a call from between 44? To that 492 and I'm 472 :/ n no call yet
483 here still waiting too. When I spoke to my investigator Thursday he said I was in final review for February. I was held up because of a copy of the back of my EMT card. If anyone hasn't heard anything yet or spoken to your investigator try giving them a call just to make sure there is nothing missing from your file.
Well I actually know somebody in the 500s that got called for the Jan 26th class
@EMT14 When did that call happen? Also can we definitely confirm that the next academy will be in April, as per usual?
I made 1 call last week and left my investigator a message... she's good at what she does and I keep reading the delay is due to "final review " so I'm just patiently waiting. ..it's a new week so I hope by this week I get a call.... I will keep this forum posted as the rest of us is so eager.... ;))