FDNY EMS Candidates

So they went through at least 60 numbers. Since last appointed was around 150 off of #4004
I just got off the phone with a Investigator Myers, she offered me the January 12th & February 9th class. The Jan 12th class is going to be all EMD, It is 3 Months of emt school and 3 months for emd school. If you do work emd you get a extra 2,000 a year (approx $1 a hour lol) and you have to give them two years before you can be transferred to the road. She also told me that there trying to have a class that starts Feb 9th that is going to be 50/50 (and they will decided in the academy if your gonna be on the road or dispatching) that I can be put on the list for if I was interested in, but they can't officially stay they are having a Feb class and if they do they will start making phone calls in 2-2 1/2 weeks. She never said anything to me regarding a Jan 26th class. Im list #210 from Exam #4004.

what list # are you?
This **** is so weird lol, but nonetheless, which one did you take b7ice? and congrats
This **** is so weird lol, but nonetheless, which one did you take b7ice? and congrats
i'm going to take my chance's with the February class. I'm going to work my current job on the side after the academy and If i wanna do that I don't think they will enjoy me giving them a week notice lol
i'm going to take my chance's with the February class. I'm going to work my current job on the side after the academy and If i wanna do that I don't think they will enjoy me giving them a week notice lol
gotcha, ofcourse when they get up to us this whole thing is mixed up.
A friend of mine who's in the 170s, and another 150s, when they received a call two days ago, Peggy Quinn called them, and they were given 3 choices, either the 2 in Jan or the one in feb
I didn't get Into the July class
I didn't get into the October class

I swear if I get missed by a few numbers again
(They just called #210)

I will be very mad :(
If I don't get a call by 4, I am going to call my investigator.
I have this weird feeling they have the wrong #/ which I know isn't true haha
There's no way u don't get a call soon with ur number. If so that would mean a long wait for all of us.
U never know, I mean they extended the filing period for last years exam to two months. That can only mean that they anticipate going through 4004 pretty quick.
When I called dcas yesterday, I was not outstanding, they update every Sunday so this Sunday it might be diff, but I believe a few people who were called were also not outstanding, usually when people get called they are outstanding
I thought it was the other way around, as in, say a payment. If you have an outstanding payment you have something due, so when they tell you you're current status is not outstanding, I think that is the good one
I thought it was the other way around, as in, say a payment. If you have an outstanding payment you have something due, so when they tell you you're current status is not outstanding, I think that is the good one

No one knows for sure, no one has the correct definition. But that is he current understanding. Because right before they start calling, dcas changes it to outstanding
I just spoke with my investigator, I called them

They said " a number of calls went out, when they reach your file for final review, they will see about calling you "
I'm glad my investigator answers his phone, that's why I like him
A friend of mine, mid 21X got a call, he's going in the 12th