FDNY EMS Candidates

All they need is 25X and ill be happy haha (:

i'll be happy with the 160's lol. granted thee are still that many people in front of me. ended up seeing a few people fail the stairmaster on saturday... hoping their numbers where lower than mine. im hoping alot failed the first round. i know it sounds mean, but it makes my/our chances a hell of alot better.
i'll be happy with the 160's lol. granted thee are still that many people in front of me. ended up seeing a few people fail the stairmaster on saturday... hoping their numbers where lower than mine. im hoping alot failed the first round. i know it sounds mean, but it makes my/our chances a hell of alot better.
Of course, you don't want to wish failure on people but it is a job/salary that we all want and no space for everyone, if we passed and they failed, that means we were better prepared/trained or just had mother luck on our side. I know that September or January doesn't makeba different for me but I hate waiting, I was scared I'd fail the physical, now I'm worrried about intake, medical etc
Of course, you don't want to wish failure on people but it is a job/salary that we all want and no space for everyone, if we passed and they failed, that means we were better prepared/trained or just had mother luck on our side. I know that September or January doesn't makeba different for me but I hate waiting, I was scared I'd fail the physical, now I'm worrried about intake, medical etc

thats exactly how i looked at it. i feel bad but at the same time you should have prepared better or not tripped lol. im the same way, i dont are if its september or january, as long as i get in. now that i have that big problem taken care i feel a hell of alot better. thats was my only bump, bump removed, full steam ahead! now if only theyed send out those damn intake letters already lol.
thats exactly how i looked at it. i feel bad but at the same time you should have prepared better or not tripped lol. im the same way, i dont are if its september or january, as long as i get in. now that i have that big problem taken care i feel a hell of alot better. thats was my only bump, bump removed, full steam ahead! now if only theyed send out those damn intake letters already lol.

I read every post on this thread, our intake letters should go out mid april and intake should be end of april, on exam 3024 someone had the number 80 something, had intake in april and got in September academy.
I read every post on this thread, our intake letters should go out mid april and intake should be end of april, on exam 3024 someone had the number 80 something, had intake in april and got in September academy.

ok sounds good. thankfully its april now, i can wait the few weeks lol... gona be biting my nails the whole time but i can wait. they doing day AND night classes or just one or the oter this time around? if they are they'll be pushing through this list pretty fast and can def expect to be in september almost guarenteed... just need ta hurry up with the friggen process lol.
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Yea he call me at 1. Ask me if anything change and I answer no. Than he told good and offer employment for fdny as a emt.

I'm not going to lie I wanted to scream like a school girl lol
Yea he call me at 1. Ask me if anything change and I answer no. Than he told good and offer employment for fdny as a emt.

I'm not going to lie I wanted to scream like a school girl lol

I bet, and honestly i would want to scream too. I'm 812, so lets see
Exam 4004?

yeah, hes 4004..... im 16X too, i guess im getting mine in tomorrow hopefully... now i feel like in need to rush to get all my :censored::censored::censored::censored: together.... wasnt expecting it that fast...... :censored::censored::censored::censored: balls lol
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yeah, hes 4004..... im 16X too, i guess im getting mine in tomorrow hopefully... now i feel like in need to rush to get all my :censored::censored::censored::censored: together.... wasnt expecting it that fast...... :censored::censored::censored::censored: balls lol

They are moving reallly quickly with 4004, that's great, I'm 25x so I should get it within a week?