FDNY EMS Candidates

My investigator just told me the next tentative EMT class will be in november, last time she said October and now she said November
Any reason why they pushed it back?
Hey guys quick question..i am on exam 7000 list number 720 and my number was skipped over and i never received anything reguarding why i was not called for the febuary academy ..as far as i know i did not have any issues with my process and my investigator dosent know what happened as well..anyone ever hear of anything like this happen?
I remember you were skipped over, I was also skipped over, my list number is 973 exam 7000. The thing that we had in common was that we handed in some addition paperwork in December. My assumption is that our folders were pulled out of order to be updated. I call DCAS every Sunday to check my status and I was finally NOT on outstanding certification, which means I am now cleared. So I should be in the next class. Call DCAS to see if you are in the same position.
I remember you were skipped over, I was also skipped over, my list number is 973 exam 7000. The thing that we had in common was that we handed in some addition paperwork in December. My assumption is that our folders were pulled out of order to be updated. I call DCAS every Sunday to check my status and I was finally NOT on outstanding certification, which means I am now cleared. So I should be in the next class. Call DCAS to see if you are in the same position.
I was cleared this Sunday.
Any reason why they pushed it back?
In all actuality, they don’t know the start date until a few weeks before class starts. I truly believe they give you a ball bark idea so you won’t call everyday all day. I was told by my investigator that the last class was to start the last week in Feb and it started the first week.
In all actuality, they don’t know the start date until a few weeks before class starts. I truly believe they give you a ball bark idea so you won’t call everyday all day. I was told by my investigator that the last class was to start the last week in Feb and it started the first week.
Oh really? I guess that makes sense. I’m kind of disappointed that the next one isn’t until October. I literally just missed the February class. But nothing I can do now
Can someone give me some info please on the process of the fdnyemt. I sent in my application in September to be put on the list. They said that the list will come out in Feb 2018, but so far no list. Does anyone know whats going on with list and what happens after you get your list number.
Can someone give me some info please on the process of the fdnyemt. I sent in my application in September to be put on the list. They said that the list will come out in Feb 2018, but so far no list. Does anyone know whats going on with list and what happens after you get your list number.

Same boat as you
Can someone give me some info please on the process of the fdnyemt. I sent in my application in September to be put on the list. They said that the list will come out in Feb 2018, but so far no list. Does anyone know whats going on with list and what happens after you get your list number.
After you file it takes about 6 months to get your list number. Depending on how high or low your number is shortly after that you will get a notice to appear for the physical. At the physical assuming you finish it all you get a packet of paper work to fill out with all your background information about 20 pages long. Fill it out ASAP and get all the required documents because 2-4 weeks from the physical your investigator will call to schedule your meeting. After your meeting assuming there’s no issue with your background you get called for you medical and psych which I believe now are on the same day (that’s how I did it apparently it’s a new way) and then once that’s done you just wait until next academy.
Also how do they determine your list number if most get a 70, someone said they use the last 4 of your social is that true.
Need some advice guys... I filed for FDNY EMT exam no 8009. I am thinking about going to Paramedic School in September at Methodist Hospital. I know the paramedic program at FDNY is very selective and could take years before I get into the promotional program. If I am a Paramedic and they call me for the academy, will they promote me to Paramedic? What is the process for this?
Need some advice guys... I filed for FDNY EMT exam no 8009. I am thinking about going to Paramedic School in September at Methodist Hospital. I know the paramedic program at FDNY is very selective and could take years before I get into the promotional program. If I am a Paramedic and they call me for the academy, will they promote me to Paramedic? What is the process for this?

They last put out an application to hire outside medics in 2015. Highly unlikely that they will put one out this year either. Everyone comes in as an EMT right now.
Need some advice guys... I filed for FDNY EMT exam no 8009. I am thinking about going to Paramedic School in September at Methodist Hospital. I know the paramedic program at FDNY is very selective and could take years before I get into the promotional program. If I am a Paramedic and they call me for the academy, will they promote me to Paramedic? What is the process for this?

No you go in as an EMT until you get into the FDNY Paramedic program. I am in the Medic program now and graduate soon ( After 9 grueling months) If you are already a medic going in, U go in as an EMT and then you go into the FDNY Medic program for 3 months or that's how it was before. DCAS has changed the Medic program now and even though I am in the program I am not sure about the changes they have now, But know it has caused some controversy.

Good luck
They haven’t done a pps class, or created a posting for one in a few years. There are some rumblings of them going back to those classes, but nothing is set in stone. pps is the 3 month medic academy if you didn’t want to come in as an emt. I don’t want to sway you in either way since there is a lot of what if’s going on.
Just out of curiosity can someone explain to me what this new class is for people who aren’t emts? Do they train them to be an Emt and put them through the academy all in one shot? How does it work?
They haven’t done a pps class, or created a posting for one in a few years. There are some rumblings of them going back to those classes, but nothing is set in stone. pps is the 3 month medic academy if you didn’t want to come in as an emt. I don’t want to sway you in either way since there is a lot of what if’s going on.

Mike I am almost done and I am still not clear on the changes DCAs has made. hahaha It's like you roll with the punches and keep it moving. You are right there are a whole lotta If's and WTFs going on.