FDNY EMS Candidates

I have to have a separate consultation with the psychologist because of medication use in high but I was expecting that to happen anyway. The doctor at the medical a few weeks ago said that's it's standard protocol and he said my medication won't be a problem.

Can anyone tell me what to expect at the consultation with the psychologist?

They just wanna know in your own words on why you took those medications. Don't stress. I was in the same shoes. You'll spend more time waiting on the person than you actually will with them. Which is maybe 5-10 minutes
Is it like a background check where everything shows on a record? How does it work
So i have a unique situation. When i was applying for the nypd cadet corps about 2.5 yrs ago, i stated that i smoked marijuana occasionally and got drugged when i was 18 (true story) on the APD5, which is the application booklet. During the psych, should i disclose this or just deny? Ive been told different things so i was wondering what i should do. I was 18 at the time of all that stuff since i was hanging around with bad people. Im 21 now and havnt been around that crew since that whole drugged episode. Your guys' thoughts would be appreciated
Neither do I I'm guessing for me nights is better cuz I'll avoid traffic
I guess, but I think I'm going to do am just cause I rather sit in traffic going home rather than sitting in traffic getting there. I heard they don't play with lateness.
So i have a unique situation. When i was applying for the nypd cadet corps about 2.5 yrs ago, i stated that i smoked marijuana occasionally and got drugged when i was 18 (true story) on the APD5, which is the application booklet. During the psych, should i disclose this or just deny? Ive been told different things so i was wondering what i should do. I was 18 at the time of all that stuff since i was hanging around with bad people. I'm 21 now and haven't been around that crew since that whole drugged episode. Your guys' thoughts would be appreciated
Idk i think i would disclose it just cause they bring everything up. like i forgot to tell them that i applied for sanitation and i didn't think it mattered to bring that up and then i got a call asking why i didn't disclose it. my investigator didn't seem to care but he just wanted it to be on file.
How deep can the fdny look into your medical history?

If you raise red flags, they can look as deep as they want because you signed off on releases granting them access. Unless you give them reason to, such as scars, disclosing something, etc, they probably won't look that deep but yes, absolutely, they can look as deep as they want if it's on record.
Idk i think i would disclose it just cause they bring everything up. like i forgot to tell them that i applied for sanitation and i didn't think it mattered to bring that up and then i got a call asking why i didn't disclose it. my investigator didn't seem to care but he just wanted it to be on file.
Oh i see. To be honest im not worried, as like i said this was back in high school and id obviously pass any drug test for the remainder of the hiring process. Its just bothering me thinking about it, thanks
My coworker's investigator said calls will start going out Monday the 4th. Good luck everyone, post when you get called!!!!!
Hey, does anyone know if having points would dq me. I recently went to traffic court from an incident that happened Jan 2014. The clerk says the points aren't on my license because of how long ago it happened but it will be on my abstract?
Hey, does anyone know if having points would dq me. I recently went to traffic court from an incident that happened Jan 2014. The clerk says the points aren't on my license because of how long ago it happened but it will be on my abstract?
It'll be on there but it's not a big deal. If your record doesn't show that you make a habit of violations than your fine.
So i have a unique situation. When i was applying for the nypd cadet corps about 2.5 yrs ago, i stated that i smoked marijuana occasionally and got drugged when i was 18 (true story) on the APD5, which is the application booklet. During the psych, should i disclose this or just deny? Ive been told different things so i was wondering what i should do. I was 18 at the time of all that stuff since i was hanging around with bad people. Im 21 now and havnt been around that crew since that whole drugged episode. Your guys' thoughts would be appreciated

Disclose EVERYTHING. Whether it's a unique situation such as yours, or a simple speeding ticket. Disclose it, if you've been fired from a job, laid off, etc. Disclose it. Seeing that your situation happened way back when in high school I doubt that will affect you as long as your drug tests are as clean as a whistle you'll be fine. Best of luck to you
For those currently in the academy:

I'm sure I asked this before.... But for people who have gauges, are we to take them out and cover them with bandaids or are we able to keep them in and cover them with a bandaid...

I currently have an 8mm hole in my ear and I wouldn't want it to get infected while I'm in the academy.
For those currently in the academy:

I'm sure I asked this before.... But for people who have gauges, are we to take them out and cover them with bandaids or are we able to keep them in and cover them with a bandaid...

I currently have an 8mm hole in my ear and I wouldn't want it to get infected while I'm in the academy.

Take them out and cover with band aids. I'm not in the academy but I can tell from experience and tons of family in the FDNY, to take them out.
Will they tell you right away if your disqualified? How soon will you know if you're medically qualified? I took the medical a few days ago wondering how long the wait is to hear results?
Will they tell you right away if your disqualified? How soon will you know if you're medically qualified? I took the medical a few days ago wondering how long the wait is to hear results?

If you had any thing to disqualify you that day, you would have been marked disqualified on your packet they keep on record. You would have known.

Now depending on your drug test and blood work, you'll know when you receive your blood work results in the mail. It's a big packet and you'll know then. Usually, the results read "mild abnormalities" and they're never usually a problem. It would say if there was any red flags.
Will they tell you right away if your disqualified? How soon will you know if you're medically qualified? I took the medical a few days ago wondering how long the wait is to hear results?

For the most part you would have found out when you spoke to the Doctor if anything would disqualify you, or delay your process (mostly weight). They tell you either then or after you speak to a doctor. If they haven't directly told you anything than guess what buddy, you're in the clear.
Hey guys, candidate way down on the list on 6003 here. I got two speeding tickets this year, and got into a fender bender when I was 16. Is this going to DQ me? Any current EMT's get hired with traffic tickets on your record? FDNY is my dream job so I have a lot riding on this, plus I'm going to be traveling across the country.
