FDNY EMS Candidates

Getting into the academy is all dependent on your list number. If you're in the early numbers I would say six months to a year til youre in the academy.

When I did my PAT It was in the middle of the summer last year, then everything else was a month to two months apart. From what my investigator told me I'm looking at July Academy.

List# 11XX
Exam# 5003

that's weird cause i did my PAT in the fall and everything was like 2-3 weeks apart . and my list number is in the high 900's
Getting into the academy is all dependent on your list number. If you're in the early numbers I would say six months to a year til youre in the academy.

When I did my PAT It was in the middle of the summer last year, then everything else was a month to two months apart. From what my investigator told me I'm looking at July Academy.

List# 11XX
Exam# 5003

Damn ok Im list # 654 on Exam: 6003
that's weird cause i did my PAT in the fall and everything was like 2-3 weeks apart . and my list number is in the high 900's

Are you on list 5003? If you are you could expect a call for July. I saw earlier on this thread that the last number called for April was in the low 900s. Has anyone contacted you recently to tell you about July?
Are you on list 5003? If you are you could expect a call for July. I saw earlier on this thread that the last number called for April was in the low 900s. Has anyone contacted you recently to tell you about July?

Yeah I know. I contacted my investigator just to make sure they haven't passed my number and she told me that I should expect a call for the July class
This may be a dumb question but does anyone have the number to call to see if you passed the physical agility? They said it would be in the packet and my packet didn't have it. It'd be greatly appreciated
This may be a dumb question but does anyone have the number to call to see if you passed the physical agility? They said it would be in the packet and my packet didn't have it. It'd be greatly appreciated
I believe you reach out to CID for that
Damn ok Im list # 654 on Exam: 6003

You have a bit of a wait still... There are a little over 700 on exam #5003 before they even put those on #6003 through the academy. Just have some patience, especially with your investigator. Sometimes hearing nothing from them is better lol. Can't tell you how many times I've been called because small things slipped my mind such as being laid off from one of my jobs.
I know it has been awhile since we went to the intake (Did myn in December) but do you guys remember them asking for a copy of your CPR card? Or just your EMTB card? My friend is asking me and I just dont remember
I know it has been awhile since we went to the intake (Did myn in December) but do you guys remember them asking for a copy of your CPR card? Or just your EMTB card? My friend is asking me and I just dont remember

I believe they asked for CPR card copies as well
I know it has been awhile since we went to the intake (Did myn in December) but do you guys remember them asking for a copy of your CPR card? Or just your EMTB card? My friend is asking me and I just dont remember

Nah I don't remember them asking me for one, but you should always carry it on you. you never know. We were always told to just take everything just in case someone ask for it. better to be safe than sorry.
We should be getting the call soon guys 6 weeks left
I know!!!!!!! Im terrified im just not ganna get called, then im ganna come on here and see numbers higher than me getting calls lol. My number is so close to the last called. From what I understand a 718-999 number gives you the offer,NOT your investigator. So keep that in mind. Also thanks you two for the cpr card info
I know!!!!!!! Im terrified im just not ganna get called, then im ganna come on here and see numbers higher than me getting calls lol. My number is so close to the last called. From what I understand a 718-999 number gives you the offer,NOT your investigator. So keep that in mind. Also thanks you two for the cpr card info
Yea I'm 94# I almost made the April
Have you guys talked to your investigators? It feels weird to me that you will just randomly get a call, I feel like you should get a "hey you might be getting a new job soon" or something like that. But I know how the city works, and I understand that our investigators have other canidets to worry about they have alot on their plate. Just keep working out and don't think about it.
Have you guys talked to your investigators? It feels weird to me that you will just randomly get a call, I feel like you should get a "hey you might be getting a new job soon" or something like that. But I know how the city works, and I understand that our investigators have other canidets to worry about they have alot on their plate. Just keep working out and don't think about it.
That's exactly how it works thoe. Some people don't get a call till the day before the academy. Ita NYC that's how it works sometimes unfortunately
I have to have a separate consultation with the psychologist because of medication use in high but I was expecting that to happen anyway. The doctor at the medical a few weeks ago said that's it's standard protocol and he said my medication won't be a problem.

Can anyone tell me what to expect at the consultation with the psychologist?