FDNY EMS Candidates

You don't call them to reschedule. You have to send them an email stating your list number, exam number, name and reasoning as to why you chose to reschedule. I forgot the exact email but it was something along the lines of:

CID@fdny or something.

Call 1(718)-999-2169 to get the email. That's the candidate investigation bureau.

My advice would be to not reschedule and just take it. If you choose to reschedule. You're looking at waiting months, possibly a year to retake it. Not a good idea.

Not rescheduling. I failed it and need to schedule my second attempt.
Not rescheduling. I failed it and need to schedule my second attempt.

I think you have to wait 6 months for a failure. I'm not 100% sure though. Call that number I gave you and ask. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.
I think you have to wait 6 months for a failure. I'm not 100% sure though. Call that number I gave you and ask. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.

I called they said anywhere from 3 to 6 months and to send in an email. Thank you for the info :)
I still didn't receive my lette

This actually calmed me down I'm a few numbers before you and didn't receive mine yet either. Don't fret this is good news because they probably aren't up to us yet .i called last week and they simply just told me they didn't schedule one for me yet.
Did you guys get your medical letter yet? I'm list #250 and have yet to receive anything in the mail about the medical. Im anxious as hell since I want to keep the ball rolling. I have been calling my investigator multiple times a day almost every day and he NEVER picks up his phone. Anyone else have this issue?
That's sick man. I'm crossing my fingers I get my medical soon. I'm in the low 100's. What's your list number?
My list # is 15** exam 5003. Im just waiting for a call after 1 appt i have to go to. Im officially medically cleared.
Exam 5003 is on the doorstep of the July class. If ur in that exam dont ****up and youll be in july. *tip to those who go for the medical..tell the doctor EVERYTHING. If u fail to omitt something.. They will find out and u will be disqualified.
Exam 5003 is on the doorstep of the July class. If ur in that exam dont ****up and youll be in july. *tip to those who go for the medical..tell the doctor EVERYTHING. If u fail to omitt something.. They will find out and u will be disqualified.
Whatsup man. Your investigator say you should be good for the next class being that you're very close to the last number in the exam. Thanks dude
Hey guys, does anyone know what happens during the intake, medical, and psych? Just trying to get an idea of what goes on so i can mentally prepare. Thanks guys!!
Hey guys, does anyone know what happens during the intake, medical, and psych? Just trying to get an idea of what goes on so i can mentally prepare. Thanks guys!!

Intake they go over your CPD forms, ensure you have everything that was requested. To be more prepared if you know you've been in any motor vehicle accidents, traffic tickets, etc. Bring notarized statements describing what happened.

Psych, about 600 True or False Questions of random crap.... One of the questions said "I'm satisfied with my sex life" or "I want to be a florist"

Medical is basically an very in-depth physical of your overall health. Making sure ALL your body systems function properly (not your reproductive system obviously). Blood work, another drug test, sight, hearing, pulmonary exam which I have to say I hated the most and finally you see a doctor who tells you if you're medically qualified or not. Usually your put on the reserve list of you weigh too much like myself and some others from my list #. Don't stress it bro. If you're overweight now and you think that's your biggest issue. There's a solution to that. Intense dieting and excercise.... Try the Atkins 20 Diet with Intense Cardio Excercise for 2 hours a day for 5 days a week. It did wonders for me
So random question and I know this makes me sound like a HUGE creep. However I am looking for a few like minded individuals who are looking to get in shape for the Academy. I'd rather work with people who share a common goal so that we can motivate each other to succeed before the Academy. PM me if you're interested.

Preferrably I would like to meet individuals in the Southern Westchester area. because I don't drive.
Did you guys get your medical letter yet? I'm list #250 and have yet to receive anything in the mail about the medical. Im anxious as hell since I want to keep the ball rolling. I have been calling my investigator multiple times a day almost every day and he NEVER picks up his phone. Anyone else have this issue?
I would say stop doing that....they will contact you when they are ready for you to go to medical. Your investigator has alot of candidates to deal with, not just you
Can you be disqualified if you have a hearing impairment? I've had it my whole life caused by birth, I was pruchased hearing aids four years ago, but couldn't get use to wearing them no matter what I did.
I would say stop doing that....they will contact you when they are ready for you to go to medical. Your investigator has alot of candidates to deal with, not just you

Patience bro. They have to finish out list #5003. Medical is done through BHS as well so calling your investigator because you haven't received a letter for medical yet is not going to accomplish much of anything.
So random question and I know this makes me sound like a HUGE creep. However I am looking for a few like minded individuals who are looking to get in shape for the Academy. I'd rather work with people who share a common goal so that we can motivate each other to succeed before the Academy. PM me if you're interested.

Preferrably I would like to meet individuals in the Southern Westchester area. because I don't drive.
I wouldn't worry about this man. It's not the fire academy. Run a little bit every week. It's not hard. You can't get kicked out of the Academy for anything to do with your physical aspect of the academy. Worry about the books, start studying.
6003, sit tight, you're most likely not gonna be touched until December/January. This class doesn't graduate until the end of July. Next class will start early August, and if that class goes 13 weeks like this class which it should, next class won't be in until early December the earliest. So sit tight, this is the way it goes. They hurry you up to get your stuff In and then u wait for multiple months. "Hurry up and wait". Good luck
Did you guys get your medical letter yet? I'm list #250 and have yet to receive anything in the mail about the medical. Im anxious as hell since I want to keep the ball rolling. I have been calling my investigator multiple times a day almost every day and he NEVER picks up his phone. Anyone else have this issue?

I wouldn't do that. Patience is the game. You don't want to annoy your investigator. You're not his only candidate. He probably has dozens of other candidates spaced out with fire and EMS.

Also, keep in my most people below you from list number 100 to 250 haven't got their medical yet, such as myself with list number 13X. Just keep that in mind. Patience my friend.
I wouldn't do that. Patience is the game. You don't want to annoy your investigator. You're not his only candidate. He probably has dozens of other candidates spaced out with fire and EMS.

Also, keep in my most people below you from list number 100 to 250 haven't got their medical yet, such as myself with list number 13X. Just keep that in mind. Patience my friend.
Thanks man, yeah I mean its not like he knows it is me calling, once every couple of times of me calling I will leave a voice mail but not often so then it does not seem as if I am hounding the poor guy. The main reason for me calling a lot is because during intake, the only thing I had missing was my money order for finger print ID, left it at home by accident. So I am just trying to get the finger print done asap. Sounds good though I will slow down with the calls lol
Was drinking a little the night befor so i didnt want it to show up in the test got a little nervous

But they told you alcohol is reasonable quantities was okay as long as you disclosed the day of the test. They just wanted to make sure you didn't come into the test drunk.

1-3 drinks wouldn't have made a difference
List number 800ish just got the PAT exam date a few days ago for late this month of May.

Stair training!!!!!!!