FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful


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I can think of people I know that could use this long-awaited help!

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Did ffemt put you up to posting this?

Nope, that's how I found it...:P
Saw this when they first posted it, loved it, and started making a list of people that could use it.
I need to get a few people a lifetime supply :P
Bahahaha. I <3 the Onion.
Despondex, from the same people who brought you fukidol.

Despondex and Fukidol, for when you just need to lie there in a puddle of your own excrement. Available at CVS/Pharmacy
I wonder if it's made by the same people that made this one.

Is that a real drug?

I could use some of that. But I'm cheerful and I curse a lot. A LOT. I try to cut back, it helps my ulcer to let it all out. Like an emotional enema. So, I could use a drug for that.
Ok, I seriously didnt know if that was for real or not until the DR cussed!

Yes I admit it. I am blond. :lol:
I kind of like theme parties! Maybe I'm overly cheerful and I just don't know it. Wait. No that's not me at all.