Painting with a very broad brush
I love FD EMS. pension, good benefits, stationed at a fire house, have a bunk room, lockers, kitchen, and a supervisor is usually a person who will help you out.
I hate FD EMS. firefighters don't want to be on the ambulance, they are just doing their shift until they can get back on the engine. that leads to poor patient care and poor attitudes. Not only that, but just because you have an EMT cert doesn't mean you know what EMS is.... how much con ed above the minimum have you completed? Do you know the difference between sick and not sick? And on the EMS systems that fall under the FD (FDNY, DC, Detroit, Philly, etc), where the EMS is part of the FD in name, but understaffed, underpaid, redheaded stepchild is often used for run numbers, but the funding still goes to the suppression side, and despite EMS having between 2x and 4x as many runs as the suppression side, there are usually more suppression units than ems units. And all too often, the EMS crews are looking to transfer to the fire side, to make more money, go on less runs, and be treated much better.
I hate private EMS. pay sucks, management treats their staff as easily replaceable, and you get run into the ground because they won't pay for additional trucks (because a truck not going on a run isn't making any money for the company, and that gets into the bottom line). contracts change hands yearly, so you can work for the same private in the same area for 10 years, and if a new company wins the contract, you start at the bottom of the pay and seniority area if you want to stay in that area.... else you get laid off. Trucks are falling apart, missing critical equipment, and all too often you find worthless slugs in uniforms, because there are no requirements to get the job except to have a pulse. "we don't care if you kill patients, as long as your paperwork meets the billing requirements and you don't crash the ambulance" is very common.
Private EMS.... cheaper for the taxpayer, they bill the people who use the service more than the government.... I guess that's the only good thing....
to each his or her own. I still think the FD should put out fires, and the EMS agency should deal with the sick and injured on their own. and the EMS chief should be equal to the fire chief, and the EMS supervisors should stand up for their people like the fire supervisors do.