Favorite Pranks

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Any chem majors in here?:mellow:

Methylene blue:blink:

I was a chem minor, but I got mine from a biology major during the prank war when I put it in someone's Pepsi Blue.

There is a food coloring sometimes sold as 'Natural Red' that will turn urine red if you eat enough, but I would not suggest using it as a prank. I know far too many people who would run to the ER if they thought they had blood in their urine, and that is an awful expensive prank if they don't have insurance.
I have a few that I'll use depending on who my partner is. If we are clearing from the hospital and another one of our units is there we'll usually switch the radio mics(we have one for county dispatch and one for company dispatch), turn on the siren, and put surgi-lube on the door handles. The best part is listening to the other crew clear themselves over the wrong radio frequency lol


Someone did this to me last month, word for word, and also put a headblock on the windshield.
I worked with a medic who, after clearing from a call would wait for another unit to come in and give a ring down. He liked to key the mic on and off, making it seem like the other unit had radio problems. He did it to his friends and wave and smile as they came in looking all kinds of pissed off.
On Spinter ambulances there is a way to reprogram the siren to get that European "hee-haw" sound. It takes a little time, so this is best done when the unit isn't in service. We kept doing it to one of our rigs and the boss got so mad that he spent an entire day figuring out how to completely disable that particular siren!
I worked with a medic who, after clearing from a call would wait for another unit to come in and give a ring down. He liked to key the mic on and off, making it seem like the other unit had radio problems. He did it to his friends and wave and smile as they came in looking all kinds of pissed off.

This of corse only works if your radio doesn't automatically identify you when you key up....
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I do enjoy screaming and slamming on the brakes when my partners sleeping.

Also faking falling asleep at the wheel is good for a laugh.

Recently one of my coworkers put a "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" placard up in the ambulance. If only...
At our rescue squad, we had a "drill" with one guy who sleeps like the dead. Our second rescue was being sold so we just had a pile of all the equipment laying in the bay. While he was asleep, we used the airbags and cribbing and lifted his bed so it was up against the ceiling.

Talcum powder in the air vents

We had a new EMT who was a huge fire wacker in the same town. While sleeping we ran in yelling "structure fire" and he flipped himself on the floor
I came home from a fire conference to find my dorm room filled with bean bag pellets. My coworkers had bought 100 gallons worth and used a leaf blower to distribute them. They opened up every drawer in my dresser, bed and computer desk. Two years later, when I moved out of the station, I was still finding the pellets.
if you leave the rig unlocked at my company, you'll either find your gurney fully risen in the back or all the equipment in the unsealed cabinets stuffed in the fron compartment of the ambulance
On a late night LD and your partner has went to sleep pull up behind a Semi. Make sure it is in park and Scream OF #$^& as loud as you can.

Put someones car up for sale cheap.

Place personal ad in local swingers mag give victims cell phone number.
Our nursing station at the jail had glass windows; I put a "Neighborhood Watch" sticker in one.

We had many unnecessary walk-ins (inmates claiming an emergency trying to get a free "sick call" to get off work etc); I put an "American Express" sticker in the window by the door. That caused a conniption, they said I was trying to discourage walk-ins. So I took it down and posted the price we'd charge them if they did a walk-in (same as sick call). That didn't fly either.
Fake fire

So we have these huge red lights that our FF use for training. It was like 330 on a 24 hr shift. So we set these lights up and hook up our smoke machine and let it flow for like 5-7 minutes. It is 3 of us working this and one guy sleeping. Anyway, we put on the FF suits and helmets and all. We went all out. Go into the bunk room and start screaming at this guy to wake up. The smoke detectors in the house were going off and we tell him to get the hell up and go- go-go. We threw a towell over his head and told him to follow us. At this point in time, he is almost wetting his pants. We were going to take him outside and leave him in his boxers out in the snow, but he moved the towel and saw it was all fake. Anyway....best prank EVER!
Get fancy dog biscuits and leave them sitting out on a plate in a common area. You'd be surprised how many people will eat more than one!
Get fancy dog biscuits and leave them sitting out on a plate in a common area. You'd be surprised how many people will eat more than one!

Sometimes you don't even need to put them on a plate. I bought a bag of some strawberry and peanut butter dog 'cookies' and left them on the coffee-table to use as training treats for the rats. My dad picks up the bag and starts munching on them. I then point out the word 'pet' on the bag, the picture of a dog on the bag, and the paw prints decorating it. He then shrugs, says they taste good anyway, and then shares them with the fur-kids.
Sometimes you don't even need to put them on a plate. I bought a bag of some strawberry and peanut butter dog 'cookies' and left them on the coffee-table to use as training treats for the rats. My dad picks up the bag and starts munching on them. I then point out the word 'pet' on the bag, the picture of a dog on the bag, and the paw prints decorating it. He then shrugs, says they taste good anyway, and then shares them with the fur-kids.

Hahahahaha! Brilliant!
Our truck has a GPS that is used. We changed the language to chinese and put it on as loud as it goes.

Others i've heard of but never done: Lidocaine on the tooth brush.
Lidocaine on a piece of gum.
Changing the parked ambulance at the ERs radio station to rap and cranking it all the way up while the crew is inside.
Turning the A/C on cold in the winter /
Turning the heater on in summer while the crews inside.

Im all for pranks as long as they don't compromise response times or patient care. I don't really like the idea of "word" games with patients, seems unprofessional.
It's always entertaining to turn the mod power switch off then turn all the overheads, the siren and anything else on you can that the mod power switch will kill when someone's dropping a patient off in the ER. They come out, sit in the passenger seat and try to turn the map light on to chart, realize the mod power is off, they turnit on and welcome to the disco!

Make sure you're in your ambulance with the windows up if you value your hearing though.
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