Family of slain EMT seeks $10 million


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Family of slain EMT seeks $10 million

JEFFERSON COUNTY, N.Y. -- The family of a Cape Vincent EMT murdered earlier this year is seeking $10 million from about ten local government and emergency agencies.

The family of Mark Davis filed a notice of claim last week for $10 million, setting up a possible wrongful death lawsuit. Davis was killed on January 30th while responding to a medical call at a home in Cape Vincent.

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Working Bum
Family of slain EMT seeks $10 million

JEFFERSON COUNTY, N.Y. -- The family of a Cape Vincent EMT murdered earlier this year is seeking $10 million from about ten local government and emergency agencies.

The family of Mark Davis filed a notice of claim last week for $10 million, setting up a possible wrongful death lawsuit. Davis was killed on January 30th while responding to a medical call at a home in Cape Vincent.

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Yeah, Because we know it was the all their fault that he was killed!!!!!:rolleyes:


Forum Chief
Maybe they are hoping the agencies will settle because it will be cheaper than a fight.


Forum Chief
I don't get why people sue.

How is the money going to bring their loved one back? They're disrespecting his memory by making a profit from his death.


Guess who's back...
I don't get why people sue.

How is the money going to bring their loved one back? They're disrespecting his memory by making a profit from his death.

To quote the great Dr. Cox...

"People aren't candies. Do you know what they are? B@st@rds. B@st@rd-coated b@st@rds with b@st@ard filling."


Forum Deputy Chief
What can it do.........?

It seems like a doubled edge sword about a lawsuit, the money will not bring their loved one back, but did he have a family to support? and if any of this money would go towards a worthy cause, i.e. a scholarship. It is a sad case and a lesson to be learned about keeping ourselves safe so we can come home at night to our loved ones......... -_-


EMS Guru
Unfortunately, it is litigation that changes policy and procedures. No money will not bring him back, but at the same time his family maybe provided financial funds. Amazing, if he was fire or police; he would have had some form of governmental funding to pay to his survivors.

Maybe a million dollar claim will recognize us as professionals that respond more often and is in just as much danger as fellow responders.

In my own state we had to lobby for a $5000 death benefit and guess what? We had to pay for it! Yeah, $10 additional license fee for a miserable five grand.. and what is worse is LEO and Firefighters automatically get a state $10,000 funding and no... they do not have to pay. Not, quite fair especially since there is federal funding as well.

Hopefully, this will cause a stir to automatically provide benefits for those in EMS. Maybe this can be settled for a reasonable price and provide for his family without burden to tax payers.

R/r 911


Working Bum
I do not know who he worked for. If he worked for a county government system, then he would qualify for the federal death benefit that Fire,police and EMS can get. But, it only is available for government workers (ie: city,county,state, or federal)


EMS Guru
I do not know who he worked for. If he worked for a county government system, then he would qualify for the federal death benefit that Fire,police and EMS can get. But, it only is available for government workers (ie: city,county,state, or federal)

Not always correct. Federal does not cover those if it is solely EMS. I had thought it did as well but when we investigated (see my above post) for our State benefit bill we found out differently.

R/r 911


Lady Enjoynz
In New Zealand it's normally the families bequeath money to the EMS services, not trying to take it from them.
I know this class it different...with a EMT down.
But even still, as the others say, all the money in the world is not going to bring their loved one back.
And if it was a case of doing some good with the money...use it to work a better way of protecting other EMS personnel within your area!
Like that would ever happen!

Cheers Enjoynz


Working Bum
Not always correct. Federal does not cover those if it is solely EMS. I had thought it did as well but when we investigated (see my above post) for our State benefit bill we found out differently.

R/r 911

I will talk to our HR guy. I know that this was looked into and was told that EMS qualifies, if it is a County government third service. This was for a $100k death benefit, but was for LODD only. I will see where he got his info from.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
Unfortunately, it is litigation that changes policy and procedures. No money will not bring him back, but at the same time his family maybe provided financial funds. Amazing, if he was fire or police; he would have had some form of governmental funding to pay to his survivors.

Maybe a million dollar claim will recognize us as professionals that respond more often and is in just as much danger as fellow responders.

In my own state we had to lobby for a $5000 death benefit and guess what? We had to pay for it! Yeah, $10 additional license fee for a miserable five grand.. and what is worse is LEO and Firefighters automatically get a state $10,000 funding and no... they do not have to pay. Not, quite fair especially since there is federal funding as well.

Hopefully, this will cause a stir to automatically provide benefits for those in EMS. Maybe this can be settled for a reasonable price and provide for his family without burden to tax payers.

R/r 911

PERFECT!!! EMS jobs are hard enough. It's somthing that we willingly take on knowing that we are often underpaid, underappreciated, and over worked. The only ones who should ever profit from the death of an emergency worker are:

1. The people he saved risking his life. Obviously not with money.
2. The family who depended on him for their livelihood.
3 Other Emergency Workers who can have their sacrifice made known to the people they spend sleepless nights helping.

Only the wife/husband and children they leave behind should see some type of REWARD for the sacrafice they too have made in serving the community.


Forum Asst. Chief
At the risk of being accused of dancing over this young mans grave, I would agree that there is little point in suing. Moreover, I hope that it is thrown out of court and no moneys are awarded (fat chance). Who is being sued here? And more importantly why???

As far as I am aware he was a volly EMT, who was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Not for me to say he should have backed off sooner having seen the danger escalate as I wasn't there, but therein lies the occasional risks with what we do. Why should innocent members of the public have to foot the bill for the greed of his family?

And why is it always obscene amounts of money which has no bearing of what the average Joe could expect to earn in ones lifetime? 10 Million, get a grip!

I hope his family get what they are legally entitled to, which I think may be something in the region of 10 - 50 thousand or so for NY state vollies killed in the LOD.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
And why is it always obscene amounts of money which has no bearing of what the average Joe could expect to earn in ones lifetime? 10 Million, get a grip!

I hope his family get what they are legally entitled to, which I think may be something in the region of 10 - 50 thousand or so for NY state vollies killed in the LOD.

PERFECT!!! I can understand the thought behind repaying the family for the service that this man provided his community, but how dare they smear his sacrafice by trying to gain 10Million of it!!! I'd be willing to go as high as 50-75 thousand, no more.


Forum Asst. Chief
It's one of those "impossible to put a fugure on" situations. Almost seems perverse to put a specific monetary figure on a lost loved one. Perhaps if they stated what our, I mean the State's, money would be used for I may be more supportive.

However, over time the family will realize that material things like a million-dollar security system in their home (assuming they are all now in fear for their lives), a second home in Florida (to get away from the stress of living in the first one) and a 50 foot catamaran (it's what he would have wanted) is never going to replace what they have lost.


Community Leader Emeritus
... but did he have a family to support?

Honestly, that is what life insurance is for. I don't mean to be callous, but that is why offering life insurance is a common benefit, and if he didn't have the forethought to get it I don't see how it's everyone else's fault.

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
Honestly, that is what life insurance is for. I don't mean to be callous, but that is why offering life insurance is a common benefit, and if he didn't have the forethought to get it I don't see how it's everyone else's fault.

The consideration here also is that if he is a volunteer, what provisoins are made here? I can relate. I am a volunteer for the County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team. In California we are covered by the Disaster Relief Workers Compensation Fund. In otherwords, if we are injured on the job, even as volunteers, all medical care is covered by the state. That ranges from losing a limb to getting poison oak. While I am not completely familiar with the way that works, I would assume that it also covers death. The question is, what is this man owed based apon the provisions available for emergencyh workers (volunteer or not) in his area. Past that, I agree, life insurence is his resposibility so that his family can have a little something if he dies. Having said that, I do not carry life insurence (who could afford it on my wages) and would expect my state to do something to if I should go down while on duty as a volunteer; otherwise the risk is just too great to give of myself that way.


EMS Guru
Honestly, that is what life insurance is for. I don't mean to be callous, but that is why offering life insurance is a common benefit, and if he didn't have the forethought to get it I don't see how it's everyone else's fault.

I am really surprised that those in EMS are criticizing? Seriously, why should an officer or firefighter receive monies if we cannot as well? All were doing their job, except the Paramedic family will not be compensated.. Is that fair? Every LEO and Firefighter knows the risks alike those in EMS. We perform as much risks and endangerment only we do not get the credit or benefits if something goes wrong.

He was shot & killed in the line of duty. Pay up. If the area would take care of their own, then they would not have to sue. I hope they get every penny, maybe things will change. The family deserves it. Was he worth $10 million ? Sure that is a dream figure to bargain with.

How much life insurance policy do you have at work? Yeah.. before spouting off put up. I know mine is $35,000 and I all can get is an additional $35,000 I pay for .. wow $70,000 almost a years salary. This is much more than most EMS services around. Now figure funeral expense will be the least $12,000 were now down to $58,000 not including medical expenditures and other costs such as attorney fees, probate fees and court costs is another $3-5,000. So now, we are down to about $50,000 How long can your family live on the one income or like mine .. the sole income. Yeah, it wouldn't last long. Now compare this to other workers such as LEO and Firefighters... and they still asks for donations on t.v. when an occurrence happens.

R/r 911

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
I am really surprised that those in EMS are criticizing? Seriously, why should an officer or firefighter receive monies if we cannot as well? All were doing their job, except the Paramedic family will not be compensated.. Is that fair? Every LEO and Firefighter knows the risks alike those in EMS. We perform as much risks and endangerment only we do not get the credit or benefits if something goes wrong.

He was shot & killed in the line of duty. Pay up. If the area would take care of their own, then they would not have to sue. I hope they get every penny, maybe things will change. The family deserves it. Was he worth $10 million ? Sure that is a dream figure to bargain with.

How much life insurance policy do you have at work? Yeah.. before spouting off put up. I know mine is $35,000 and I all can get is an additional $35,000 I pay for .. wow $70,000 almost a years salary. This is much more than most EMS services around. Now figure funeral expense will be the least $12,000 were now down to $58,000 not including medical expenditures and other costs such as attorney fees, probate fees and court costs is another $3-5,000. So now, we are down to about $50,000 How long can your family live on the one income or like mine .. the sole income. Yeah, it wouldn't last long. Now compare this to other workers such as LEO and Firefighters... and they still asks for donations on t.v. when an occurrence happens.

R/r 911

I like you. Your smart. Equal pay for eqaul risk. What a concept. And they say EMS is not the red headed stepchild.
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