Experience before Paramedic


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Hello! I am about to finish the EMT program and was looking for some advice on what to do next. I plan on moving on to paramedic and fire school as well. I know it is beneficial for me to get experience as an EMT before I become a paramedic but because of my student loan status, I have to go right into paramedic school. I plan on trying to get a part time job as an EMT or a tech in the ED while I am in school. Do you think this will affect my ability as a paramedic if I don't get a lot of experience as an EMT? Any suggestions or advice?
this topic has been discussed ad nauseam on this site. It is basically what ewok said, if you want anything more in depth its best to do a search.
Hi, I've been a paramedic for 7 years.

I'll be honest with you. With my experience fire service is better in many aspects. Ambulance is good too but after working for the service for more than 13 years you realise that it's a job which just eats away at you.

It's very rewarding as in the way you feel when helping someone but.. It just ain't what everyone thinks it is.

Fire service has way better pension plans etc, free dental , free medical etc.

I am now currently studying at university full time as a medical engineer.

Part time ambulance.
Hi, I've been a paramedic for 7 years.

I'll be honest with you. With my experience fire service is better in many aspects. Ambulance is good too but after working for the service for more than 13 years you realise that it's a job which just eats away at you.

It's very rewarding as in the way you feel when helping someone but.. It just ain't what everyone thinks it is.

Fire service has way better pension plans etc, free dental , free medical etc.

I am now currently studying at university full time as a medical engineer.

Part time ambulance.
...Your profile says you were born in 1993. Must have been tough to start work at age 9 and as a paramedic at 15.

On another note, I work as a full time single role paramedic and have a fully funded pension. I pay $2 and change per month for vision and dental, and somewhere ~40/month for pretty awesome medical benefits. Just saying.
...Your profile says you were born in 1993. Must have been tough to start work at age 9 and as a paramedic at 15.

And that's why you are one of my favorites lol
Being born in 1993 and being a paramedic at all- for any amount of time- would be a feat.

I remember being 21.... Actually I dont. But I have heard the stories. It involved a lot of vodka from my understanding.
That's such a hard question to answer without knowing you, your motivation, your commitment level, and your educational background. So much of being a Paramedic is being able to be confident but knowing when you don't know and asking for help it's not funny. There are people who have worlds of experience as an EMT who I would never recommend going to Paramedic school. There are Paramedics who wish they never got the extra responsibility. I went zero to hero and have been very successful. Immediately after EMT school, I went to Intermediate, and then right onto Paramedic. My first semester of P school, I was doing rides for my Intermediate certification and working as a brand new EMT. By the time I finished P school, I was an Intermediate and had been in EMS for a year and a half so it worked out. If you get a job and can work in school, I think you'll be fine. If you don't have any experience at all, you'll struggle. It's all about desire. How much do you want it?
I like COmedic17.

You two are going to make me vomit...
If you have the opportunity to go straight to PM school, and you are half-smart, go. Field experience as an EMT is good but really will not help you in school. Bottom line is this: If you've decided to be a PM, and meet the criteria to go, don't wait. Do it!
If that's the way you have to do it for financial aid reasons then just do it. If you can't get a job in the ER or on a 911 box then volunteer for your local fire department. Either way experience is very much necessary to being a good paramedic, especially with how low the nremtp standards are.
I am pissed at my self for not being a paramedic at this point in my life, I could have if I made some more efficient choices. Instead I did what I wanted in college and then took a year to just work and be a barely functioning member society/ski bum. Life is fun but being an EMT is not sustainable for me. The faster you can get through medic school, the faster you can have a more stable career.

Anyways, go work as an EMT for 6 months first. It's just 6 months, but it will make a world of difference. It will give you a little time to ensure you a.) want to do this; b.) can do this; c.) know the basics and how to apply them; d.) can take a set of vitals without breaking out into a cold sweat and making up numbers while everyone has their eyes on you as a new medic.

No matter what people say or how smart you think you are... Book smarts and street smarts are two different things.. Just put in 6 months. It's a blink. You'll thank yourself.
Yes, career. It is possible, I work at a place now that I could certainly make a career of if I wanted to stay in the city I live in currently.
I'll drop my $0.02.

Like you, I jumped into medic school without any REAL emt experience. Granted I was a volunteer FF for a year but we only responded to fires not medical aides. I have experience with a crew, fire house etiquette, driving code 3, etc, but not so much emt experience.

I just finished didactic and I got a little worried about the "ambulance lifestyle". I'm fearing my internship because I already have enough to worry about (performing well, treating the right stuff, running codes, etc) and I don't want to get tripped up on the easy stuff (vitals, organization of my rig, interacting with random/new faces on scene, etc). Emt jobs here in CA are a dime a dozen so I decided to apply and get as much experience as I could before my internship. I have my emt orientation tomorrow and I should be starting clinicals in the hospital for my medic program soon. That gives me roughly 3-6months of solid time to gain a little experience working in the field as an emt.

I spent a lot of money for this medic program and I'll be damned if I fail out on my internship for silly bone head mistakes. The internship is where most people fail paramedic programs and I don't want to be one of those people.

It couldn't hurt to pick up a per diem or PT gig as an emt on a box to get your feet wet while still in school (of course this all depends on how your medic program is structured).