EVOC Training


aspiring needlefairy
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What does the training consist of? I read a bit online but it was rather vague. What is else to expect?
Depends on the company or organization putting it on. I've had one as lame as watching a video...and another that was 2 full days of classroom and behind the wheel exercises.

My current company had a 2 day course. First full day was the classroom component (dos and don'ts of emergent and non-emergent driving, pivot points on the vehicles, laws, company policies, couple of videos/pictures of ambulance wrecks, etc.) The second day consisted of actual behind the wheel excersises. There were 5 stations each with a different task (some more challenging than others). Examples of these tasks were serpentine (while driving forward and in reverse), emergent braking in a confined space (diminishing lanes exercise), 6-point turn (making tight turns into tight spaces in one movement), partner backing, etc. Actually a lot of fun.

Like I said, it depends on the company. Either way it's not that easy to fail. If you're used to driving large vehicles then the behind the wheel portion should be pretty easy. If you've been driving a rice rocket your whole life, the driving tests may be a little "interesting" but you get the hang of it. Instructors usually give you plenty of tips and help.
One company was an hour online self study then heres the keys. Another folloed nfpa 1002 which is driver operator standard. So a day or so of rules regs safety. Then practice and a "rodeo" where we drove around the course specified by the nfpa standard.
We watched that AMR evoc video. The dude with the nerdy glasses almost put me to sleep lol
That was some heavy memtal stuff dude
I just drove the ambulance around for an hour than the guy teaching me had me gun it to 60 and pull into a truck turnoff and slam the brakes.
That what I am doing tomorrow
I'm doing EVOC tomorrow as well
EVOC acquired!! :)
I passed but I struggled a lot more than I thought I would. 1 year of bad habits made learning their way a bit more difficult. I had trouble with reversing the way they wanted and shuffle steering.
I passed but I struggled a lot more than I thought I would. 1 year of bad habits made learning their way a bit more difficult. I had trouble with reversing the way they wanted and shuffle steering.

Long as you passed.

EVOC courses are fun. Last one I helped with we raced to see who could do it the fastest.
My company does not require any formalized driver training, this I find scary. I had to take the time to teach myself with a willing partner and an some empty streets.
I passed but I struggled a lot more than I thought I would. 1 year of bad habits made learning their way a bit more difficult. I had trouble with reversing the way they wanted and shuffle steering.

Then once you get out into the field the first thing I was told was "we don't do the shuffle steering crap here" haha
Lol that stuff useless when trying to regain skid control in crown vic going over 30 mph
The "Road Safety" device they have on the ambulances in San Bernardino county don't sound like a good time either. A little black box that keeps track of everything the driver does.

All in all though, I still learned quite a bit from EVOC and all the instructors were super cool and extremely patient.
The "Road Safety" device they have on the ambulances in San Bernardino county don't sound like a good time either. A little black box that keeps track of everything the driver does.

All in all though, I still learned quite a bit from EVOC and all the instructors were super cool and extremely patient.

Every little thing you do gets recorded. Go to fast and you get points. Brake to hard and you get points. Turn to hard and points. Don't press a button when backing up and points.
It certainly doesn't sound like a good time that's for sure.
Every little thing you do gets recorded. Go to fast and you get points. Brake to hard and you get points. Turn to hard and points. Don't press a button when backing up and points.

Does it work, though? At least, insofar as disincentivising poor driving behaviors?