Essay test for hiring. Why do you want to be a firefighter paramedic?

To clarify, you've been volunteering with the county as a single role medic and now wish to be employed as a FF/medic? That's what I got from your first post. If so, that's a little different spin than just going from volunteer to paid doing the same exact thing; you're also aspiring to do suppression as well, having never done it before. Is that the case?
Right. But the serious answer is "for the money" unless I go with the standard "to help other people and save lives."

I hate having to answer questions like that bc-- duh why does anyone work-- to make money for life's necessitites.
You've been
Doing it for free already lol.

Just say ( much nicer) you need to get paid and want to continually advance in the field by obtaining new
Skills & abilities blah blah bla. :)

I think on the
Positive side of all of this is since u were /are a volunteer, it shows a commitment to the job and that (hopefully) you won't flake out on them..bc employers are worried about their bottom line as well.
To clarify, you've been volunteering with the county as a single role medic and now wish to be employed as a FF/medic? That's what I got from your first post. If so, that's a little different spin than just going from volunteer to paid doing the same exact thing; you're also aspiring to do suppression as well, having never done it before. Is that the case?

I've been volunteering most recently. They added supression to the job while I was out on maternity leave and didn't let me come back without being crosstrained. The fact is, I'll be a FF/medic on the medic unit. I'm not expecting to get any time on the engine, while that possibility does exist.
It IS the real truth, so just make it the meat in the sandwich:

I've spent (X%) of my life helping people get through the worst parts of their lives. I'm into it and also into expanding my abilities. My record shows it. People in the community have been getting my very best for a long time.

Quite frankly, I want to earn money doing the work instead of working for free. (Just a little while ago -- OFF DUTY! --I saved some guy's head from getting crushed by a car and the SOB didn't even tip me!)

You are presenting me the opportunity to provide for my family's future, help me to grow professionally and also offer more to the people here. I'd like to take advantage of that.

I've been a volunteer for the past 17 years, but my time without a paid job has only been in the past 3 years or so. I have been consistently employed in several different kinds of systems, in different roles since 1998.
I'm sensing a theme. Do you want to be my friend (I could always use someone who has animated gifs of drag queens for random occassions).


I got a similar question on my last interview. Worded something to the effect of "why do you want to work for ______." I answered it honestly, but my honest answer was a good answer. I knew the people running the show. I've known them for more then a decade and I know how they run a show. I know they have the same values toward a job that I do and that is a huge reason I wanted to be there. I also have a personal interest in the system. My aging parents live in the county.

I also told them that I had been pretty picky since my lay-off and I wasn't going to work for just any old organization. They were my first choice (and I told them such) because of the above reasons and I hoped they would chose me because I would work hard for them if they gave me the chance.

They're giving me my chance Monday. :)

Sometimes honesty is the best policy, especially if it's the right thing to say. Why DO you want to work there? Only you can really answer that question.
What is the pay difference in paramedic and firefighter paramedic if u dont mind me asking
Because you know the job requires both fire and ems and you want to be able to serve the community with the highest level of training and care in all aspects of thejob. You are equally dedicated to your medical care as you are you firefighting and rescue duties.
What is the pay difference in paramedic and firefighter paramedic if u dont mind me asking

Honestly, I don't expect much pay difference. It's been a couple of years since I worked there, so a little bit more money for inflation. We'll see.
Not necessarily. People work in EMS for a long time who are in it for other reasons than the patient care. I know abdicksmom isn't in it for that, but just because someone has previous work experience doesn't mean they're not a good provider.


Sorry...the 12 year old came out in me

Sorry...the 12 year old came out in me

Right? She always spells my username wrong that way. It's in her brain, there's no correcting her. :)

The kids are in alphabetical order, thus a b c KIDS mom.
What is the pay difference in paramedic and firefighter paramedic if u dont mind me asking

The pay difference between medic and fire/medic is huge in this area. Medics usually make around $16-20 an hour. Fire/medic can start off at $32 an hour.
The pay difference between medic and fire/medic is huge in this area. Medics usually make around $16-20 an hour. Fire/medic can start off at $32 an hour.

Where is this you live? Damn! $32/hr is more than I'll be making as an RN. Now is that regular or OT pay?