Emts try to help

LOL It is hard to sit and wait things out but we gotta stay out of the firefighters way so they can do their thing. They will let us know when they need us.
I assisted a firefighter only last night...lol.
We were at a New Year's Eve fundraiser with the FD (By the way 'HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone...we are already into 2009).

They had lite a large bonifire and were going to let off fireworks.
The wind was quite strong and with the diesel they had started it with..she was burning really hot and fast.
So much so...they turned on the pump and were hosing down the Club building we were at and the field next door, because of the heat and sparks.

Anyway...this one FF was standing infront of a group of us watching what was going on, sparks were blowing all over the place, because of the wind.

One fell on the back of this guy's shirt and didn't look like it was going to go out. So I went up behind him and smacked it off him.
He turns around and frowns at me...my Hubbie calls out, 'Don't worry mate, she doesn't normally go around hitting guys!' lol.:rolleyes:

Cheers Enjoynz
just to be fair... here's the other one ^_^

Haha lol thas some funny stuff. I hear stories of medics pulling ff out just before the roof caves in. Actualy it also happend at my moms office fire. Happy new year. keep safe
Moved to appropriate forum
Thanks ffemt. I accidently posted it in the wrong forum and could not find a admin person to move it.
Lol, they should have one:

Bystanders for Dummies
How to keep out of the ambos way when they are trying to save your friends life
Lol, they should have one:

Bystanders for Dummies
How to keep out of the ambos way when they are trying to save your friends life

My vote for post of the year!!!!