EMT with DWAI Traffic Infarction NYC


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My friend was convicted of a DWAI (driving while ability impaired) traffic Infarction a week before starting EMT B program (8/2013). He went out with friends to resturant and had 3 drinks but friend had several (the driver). Being a friend he volunteered to move friends car so that it would not get towed and he could sober up before driving...Police were harassing people in parking lot and unfortunately he was one of them. He was arrested for supected DUI. When he took breathalzer he was .9... legally intoxicated in NYC by .1...spent a night in jail and plead quilty to plea bargain by judge. Because it was a first offense and he alcohol level was not high at all. He license and fines are taken care of...and infarction is not a criminal offense, so he has no crimnal record. He is about to become certified and was wonder how this will effect his employment opportunities. Does anyone have any insight? He will be an excellent EMT but I hope this stupid situation doesn't affect his possiblities...
It will definitely affect his chances of getting hired, but it won't make it impossible.

Let's be honest...there are way too many qualified EMT's with clear driving records competing for very few job openings. Why would a company want to hire somebody with a DWAI over somebody with a clean driving record, all other things being equal?
Thanks ffemt8978 for reply. I feel really bad because the situation was absolutely not called for in my eyes! But it happened! The sad thing he's is in a Paramedic Program that starts in Sept. I told him not to give up on his dreams and keep going...any suggestions for him...(driving defense classes? voluteering for AAA?) etc.
Thanks ffemt8978 for reply. I feel really bad because the situation was absolutely not called for in my eyes! But it happened! The sad thing he's is in a Paramedic Program that starts in Sept. I told him not to give up on his dreams and keep going...any suggestions for him...(driving defense classes? voluteering for AAA?) etc.

What part wasn't called for in your eyes?
Thanks ffemt8978 for reply. I feel really bad because the situation was absolutely not called for in my eyes! But it happened! The sad thing he's is in a Paramedic Program that starts in Sept. I told him not to give up on his dreams and keep going...any suggestions for him...(driving defense classes? voluteering for AAA?) etc.

Did he not operate a vehicle while legally intoxicated?
Being charged for a DWAI for moving a car in a parking lot with such a low BAC level. But thats a completely different conversation! It is what it is! I just don't want him to give up on what he has been working so hard for over this absurd situation. Sorry for original post...his BAC was .09 /.01 over limit (thats basically 2 beers)
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Impaired in the eyes of the court...intoxicated by no means! .09 is basically 2 beers or a glass of wine for a slim occasional drinker like him.
0.08 is intoxicated. He was 0.09. Why should he get a break? He was in a vehicle, operating it, after consuming alcohol.

Intoxicated. Deserves what he gets.

Move on.
Why are you coming out so hard in his defense? You came here asking for insight and you want to argue a losing point with those taking the time to respond??
Is it a bummer? Sure. Is it a career ender? Maybe. It will take years of a solid pattern demonstrating good decision making skills to even earn an opportunity to get hired.
There are lots of good candidates out there that don't carry the stigma of a DWI who will never get the job. It's too bad that he was DQ'd from the race before he even really lined up on the starting blocks.
One strategy that could work:
- Invest is one agency. Making a shotgun blast of applications to agencies that don't know him will be tough. A lot of wasted effort in the long run. However, if ONE agency can spend the next 5 years watching his determination on the road of redemption, he could get lucky. He needs to find any way possible to work his way in. Volunteer, clerical job etc... Once you're in, it's easier to move around.
... and while we're at it, what is your experience to say that you know he'll be a good EMT? Where are you on the path to a job?

It is commendable that you are looking out for your friend, but what are you doing to better your position? Without trying to sound like (too much of) an arse, spelling and grammar are far less serious than a DWI, but they are still very important. Although we know what you are saying, there is a pretty significant difference between an infraction and an infarction. In the world of EMS, it is pretty important to differentiate between the two.
Thanks for your response. Spelling and grammar is not an issue for me...I have a BA in communications and I'm currently in a Paramedic program. I'm just a little passionate about situation...hence not paying attention to grammar, I apologize. Anyways, I see he has a long road ahead of him but I will continue to encourage him to not give up! I will take your advice and pass it along to him regarding volunteering!
He might even have a hard time volunteering, volunteer squads still need to pay insurance on their vehicles, and the insurance company get copies of drivers licenses for people driving the ambulances. I know we are pretty picky on the squads I am on.
I understand totally. Horrible situation. Maybe he can do dispatch while he is completing his paramedic degree. Earn his trust and ability with a private company and gain experience. Or move to another state where his driving record won't follow him. From my understanding there is only 5 states that does not share driving record history. I don't know, I'm praying for him!
some places (I'm in CA) will hire you or KEEP you as a medic you just wont be able to drive...every call hell have to tech, depends on how he feels about that.
I understand totally. Horrible situation. Maybe he can do dispatch while he is completing his paramedic degree. Earn his trust and ability with a private company and gain experience. Or move to another state where his driving record won't follow him. From my understanding there is only 5 states that does not share driving record history. I don't know, I'm praying for him!

Generally speaking if they really were curious about his driving history from another state all they have to do is go to that state and request it. IMHO he's just going to have a long road ahead. DUI's/DWAI whatever it may be called is still looked down upon yes I understand people do make stupid mistakes but what can you do.
0.08 is intoxicated. He was 0.09. Why should he get a break? He was in a vehicle, operating it, after consuming alcohol.

Intoxicated. Deserves what he gets.

Move on.

I always wonder why people assume that the mere existence of a law necessitates that its enforcement equals justice. Or that the mere existence of a conviction automatically means that the punishment is just and fair.

Is any punishment doled out always deserved? Are laws always just, and always administered evenly and fairly? Did Brian Aitken deserve his sentence? Did Kelly Long deserve what he got? Does intent matter for anything?

What is the purpose of a DUI law - or any law - after all? To keep people safe from those who would do them harm, or to enforce morality?

I think many people have far too much faith in the government.
I always wonder why people assume that the mere existence of a law necessitates that its enforcement equals justice. Or that the mere existence of a conviction automatically means that the punishment is just and fair.

Is any punishment doled out always deserved? Are laws always just, and always administered evenly and fairly? Did Brian Aitken deserve his sentence? Did Kelly Long deserve what he got? Does intent matter for anything?

What is the purpose of a DUI law - or any law - after all? To keep people safe from those who would do them harm, or to enforce morality?

I think many people have far too much faith in the government.

That's all fine and dandy, but pretty much every employer will have a nearly 180° opposite viewpoint than that.

Add in that most places there are more EMTs and Medics available than jobs, why exactly should a hiring manager take a medic with a DUI under their belt when chances are there's another applicant without one? Especially if the insurance won't cover them or will be exponentially more expensive because of that?
I'm just curious if everyone feels he should just give up? I mean in life there will be obstacles...
I read a bit more about the DWAI (since we don't have that here in CA). It seems that is is considered a traffic infraction but it remains on your driving record for (a minimum of) 10 years.

Your "friend" doesn't have to give up. I have buddies who are working firemen now that have DUIs in their history. You just have to be an exceptional candidate from here on out, keep your head up and not let it eat at you when you get DQd from a hiring process. When you get your first job, just kick ***.

While there are "obstacles" in life, our choices either reduce them or multiply them. Just being positive and wanting something is not enough. This requires a solid plan and good decision making.
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