EMT employment for 18 y/o


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Hey all.
So I've ran into a dilemma as far as getting an EMT job. I'm in a high school EMT class (all the students attend a high school during the day, then go to EMT at night, paid for by scholarships).
That being said I'm only 18 years old. I was told by all of our instructors, who are all 'medics and firefighters, and they said that ambo's don't hire until 21, unless you get a medic cert.
They recommended ER techs to all of us, but the hospitals I've talked to won't hire until you have a year's experience. Any one know how to get this year's experience, since I'm not old enough to work on an ambo?
I'm also getting my phlebotomy cert in May, when I graduate high school, so long as I pass the registry, so worst case scenario is I work as a phlebotomist.
I want to go to 'medic school though, but before that I'd like to be a somewhat experienced EMT. I don't see how you can be a good paramedic, before you've even worked the basics. So, any help is appreciated!
If it matters, I'm in Maricopa county, Arizona.
Edit: I finish EMT in less than a month. Can I get a job, if I can figure out where, before I have a high school diploma?
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Hey all.
So I've ran into a dilemma as far as getting an EMT job. I'm in a high school EMT class (all the students attend a high school during the day, then go to EMT at night, paid for by scholarships).
That being said I'm only 18 years old. I was told by all of our instructors, who are all 'medics and firefighters, and they said that ambo's don't hire until 21, unless you get a medic cert.
They recommended ER techs to all of us, but the hospitals I've talked to won't hire until you have a year's experience. Any one know how to get this year's experience, since I'm not old enough to work on an ambo?
I'm also getting my phlebotomy cert in May, when I graduate high school, so long as I pass the registry, so worst case scenario is I work as a phlebotomist.
I want to go to 'medic school though, but before that I'd like to be a somewhat experienced EMT. I don't see how you can be a good paramedic, before you've even worked the basics. So, any help is appreciated!
If it matters, I'm in Maricopa county, Arizona.
Edit: I finish EMT in less than a month. Can I get a job, if I can figure out where, before I have a high school diploma?
taking college level a and p, pathophysiology, microbiology, chemistry will suit you better than a few months to a year of emt experience. Many go straight to Medic with no issues at all.
taking college level a and p, pathophysiology, microbiology, chemistry will suit you better than a few months to a year of emt experience. Many go straight to Medic with no issues at all.
I'd also like to get a feel for it before I drop 8k on medic school. The class room and the real world are real different, I can handle a class, the real world, maybe not. I don't think it'll be a problem, but it may be to where I just can't stand working EMS.
Volunteer somewhere maybe?

And I don't know of anyone who hires with out a diploma or GED

Take your time. Graduate high school. Get some real world experience. Then start medic and college classes.

The only thing that I think being a basic for a while did for me was help me be more assertive and commanding.
Volunteer somewhere maybe?

And I don't know of anyone who hires with out a diploma or GED

Take your time. Graduate high school. Get some real world experience. Then start medic and college classes.


Money is great, but volunteering will get you experience and get you connections with some paid EMTs & medics which will be useful when looking for a paid gig.
I was in the same boat as you as far as the high school class. If you dont mind me asking, what classes are you taking as a senior and whats your GPA?
An employer might find it difficult to bond an eighteen year old?
Aren't there age restraints regarding necessary licensure and certification to actually work, versus just getting the knowledge certificates?
An employer might find it difficult to bond an eighteen year old?
Aren't there age restraints regarding necessary licensure and certification to actually work, versus just getting the knowledge certificates?

For Registry I dont think so, it probably varies from state to state as far as a license goes though. I was working as an EMT at 18 in MI and im 99% sure Ohio is the same way.
We were told Arizona doesn't have it's own licensure test. You just take the Registry and you're certified.
My G.P.A. had dropped this year, senioritis is starting to kick in. Overall it's a 3.6. This year it's a 3.3.
My classes are;
Lab assisting honors (phlebotomy and certified medical lab assistant certs)
English 4
Trig/ precalc.
Mycrofft, that's what I'm finding, at least as far as ambulance companies are concerned. They said something about insurance rates dropping at 21, so they hire then.
- Volunteer somewhere ( fire department, detox, etc)
- Look into wheelchair transportation ( might have to be 21 but im not sure where you are located)
- look into becoming a first aid/CPR instructor
- Keep looking for a job as a ED tech
- when interviewing really talk your self up to try and make up for no experience in a hospital.
Hmm, so volunteering seems to be the most applicable choice.
How does a volunteer schedule work? If you can only volunteer a few days a week, does it matter? I need to work full time to pay for paramedic, which means I will probably go with phlebotomy, since EMT seems to be pretty hard to land a position in. So, I guess that would work. Work as a phlebo/ volunteer as long as the schedule isn't too demanding. Phlebos make more money around here anyways.
I don't understand why they offer this class in highschool if it's pretty close to impossible to get a job in it at our age...
thats almost course for course and gpa what I had haha. honestly if you like being in the EMT class and it interests you, go into medic. I did it literally 2 weeks after i graduated HS and that was a big part of me getting a job as a basic. so if you can afford it i would do it. Also, ask your local FD if they offer any scholarships and look by yourself for them. theyre out there trust me.
Because its basically advanced first aid at this point for you guys. And it is to open up other career doors, and peak your interests.
thats almost course for course and gpa what I had haha. honestly if you like being in the EMT class and it interests you, go into medic. I did it literally 2 weeks after i graduated HS and that was a big part of me getting a job as a basic. so if you can afford it i would do it. Also, ask your local FD if they offer any scholarships and look by yourself for them. theyre out there trust me.
I'm confused what helped you get a job as a basic? Just going to 'medic school?
The hospital that hires the majority of phleb's around here has a tuition reimbursement program for any thing you want, if you've worked for them for a year or more.
That being said, I can afford it, would just prefer to not to be broke while attending.
I guess I'll just volunteer second semester of this year, dunno why I didn't think of that before. Will get my feet wet that way and see if I like it as a career choice, before I pay for medic.
I'm confused what helped you get a job as a basic? Just going to 'medic school?

yeah actually. a lot of companies are basically just in a grab for basics in medic class.
There is an overwhelming number of EMTs. There are lots of medics, but not as many.

So companies will hire EMTs so that they can mold them into their perfect medic.
Hmm... So you'd be the perfect medic on how they want things done. Makes sense I guess.
Well, thanks everyone! Lots of help, think I have things figured out.