emt drug test

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Wow this thread struck a nerve. :wacko:

No I think its incredibly asinine to smoke weed, or do any substance if your performing some sort of public safety, im not saying its right for other professions to do it, but this isn't LawyersLife.com.B) Theirs always alot of talk on here about looking professional and speaking/typing professional, why would we ever smoke weed? Smoking weed would just degrade the profession.
One side can argue their opinions for this subtopic to the top of their lungs all the while the other side can argue their opinions against this same topic to the top of their lungs.

You know what people? Opinions are like butt-holes. Everybody's got one and most of them stink. I say this because weed is illegal. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. It doesn't matter if you think it's right or if it's tyrrany. It's still illegal. Period. End of story.

There's something else. This is my opinion. It might piss a lot of people off. I hope it makes them think.

1. If you are 21 years old or older,
2. A native born or a naturalized U. S. citizen,
3. Gainfully employed, AND
4. Financially independent,

then you have the God-given civil right as an American citizen to @#$% your life up any way you see fit. You also have the right to pay the consequences up to and including the right to remain silent.

If you can read this, thank a soldier.

Stay safe.
To smoke in the privacy of your own home........IS STILL ILLEGAL. And I am ignorant for expressing my opinion on the scum who choose to deteriorate themselves by using such things...... Yes alcohol is just as bad and is treated as such when found in tests. But is still NOT ILLEGAL. Think of me as ignorant.... think of me as a AHOLE, hate the fact that I am in law enforcement, Hate the fact that I spent the better part of my adult life taking drugs off the streets. Will you feel different when you have to call me to a scene to clear it so that you can do your job???? Or God forbid when I have to come to your house cause some one just broke in or harmed your family. I assure you, you will want the ahole tracking down the scum who violated you.
So I am ignorant because my job requires me to take away your fun???? WOW. The fact that you never smoked even 24 hours before a shift still doesn't make it right.
I make cops look bad. well what about the medical professionals that I hear about on the news shooting up god only knows what?? You are no better then the doctor injecting morphine or what ever.

I am an ahole. I say do my job for a week. See the effects of these drugs on people then talk to them, have them go from completely compliant to stabbing you or shooting you. Then tell me there is nothing wrong with a little pot smoking, little meth use, little heroine use. This Ahole cop has been stabbed 3 times and shot twice taking drugs off the streets. One of the stabbings and one of the shootings the individual was high on Marijuana. Ignorance??? No Intolerance.
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To smoke in the privacy of your own home........IS STILL ILLEGAL. And I am ignorant for expressing my opinion on the scum who choose to deteriorate themselves by using such things...... Yes alcohol is just as bad and is treated as such when found in tests. But is still NOT ILLEGAL.

Exactly what I was trying to stress, they may if fact be bad to do but they are still legal to do.
After reviewing other posts it has come to my attention and seems rather apparent that Flight-LP you just don't like law enforcement. You seem to have something against LEO's as a whole. Normally I would want to dig into this and find out why but I can't change the world and well my customer service button is running low this week.

My point here is no matter what stance I take on any subject there are going to be a certain percentage of you who are going to disagree with me just because I am a cop. To those of you who feel this way I address this next statement. If it wasn't for the profession that I have chosen then no laws would be up held. There would be no reason for laws and we would all live in anarchy and I bet you are the ones who would be the first to cry for change. Where is law enforcement where are our protectors???

But its people like you who make me question why I put my butt on the line every day for the unappreciative. So I thank all of you for the work that you do because I too know what its like.
Having spent a fair amount of time pulling those 'two beer' drunks from what used to be their vehicles, I gotta pose the question... If you have been using any legal or illegal mind altering substance, how accurate is your judgement as to your impairment?
drug testing

If we want to do something bad enough we can "all justify in our own minds" why it's ok but bottomline it is illegal. Alcohol is legal but within boundries- which is why companies can have a zero tolerance policy. All companies should have a zero tolerance in regards to alcohol as at 0.05 research shows impairment. A study was conducted on pilots who smoked government issued weak pot and even after 8 hours some of them crashed on thier stimulators.
Another study - even if you are in a volkswagon with 3 other people who are smoking pot and you are not- you will not test positive so the lame excuse that "others in my home smoke or I was at a party and others smoked but I didn't" won't cut it.
I'm not here to judge so if someone wants to do illegal drugs or drink irresponsibly - hey go for it- but you'll have to find a job in which they don't care, and I won't cover for a partner who chooses to do so.
I personally feel all places of business should implement drug testing - pre-employment- random and reasonable suspicion. Weed them out!
Wow, talk about going on a tangent. I had to go back and re-read what I wrote because a couple of resonses didn't seem to make sense to me (maybe I am still impaired after 4 years of not smoking dope!). Outside of Supercop's Captain America posts, I appreciate the opinions of others. Vent, this is just another one of those topics that we won't agree on. There's been plenty before, probably will be plenty again. I just hope next time everyone has a party down there I can make it so we can debate in person. Its more fun that way (btw, first round is on me next time)!!!!

I still think that there is a comprehension issue here that needs to be addressed. First off, I currently do not indulge in any illegal activity (except maybe the weekly poker game in which I constantly steal money from my friends as I whip their arse!). Hindsight being 20/20, would I go back and do the same knowing what I know today, probably not. My point was and still is that when it does become legal, I do plan on using again, with control and moderation. I will take into account the same due regard as I do with alcohol. Therefore the legality arguement so many are screaming about is null and void. Outside of that, should anyone feel the need to judge whether or not I am impaired, you should ask yourselves a question. Have you ever worked within 8 hours of taking a drink? Or are you responsible enough to ensure that your party activities are timed well outside of work? Better yet, don't answer it because I see more hipocrisy on this forum than I can remotely believe. I can ascertain without a shadow of a doubt that 24 hours is quite sufficent to return to a normal state. The only reason time has even been mentioned in this thread has nothing to do with impairment, it has to do with the fact that currently pot is illegal. So think what you want, again I appreciate feedback amongst peers, but the fact remains that this thread has been blown way out of proportion, mostly courtesy of LE-EMT. Should anyone else have any STATISTICAL EVIDENTIAL PROOF citing scientific validity or sound pathophysiology, then bring it forward. Personal experiences with others are only purely subjective. For those who have communicated with me outside of this dramatic thread, THANK YOU! I knew I wasn't the only one with this state of mind. Although it would have been nice to have your supporting words here in the thread..................................

LE-EMT - I have nothing against law enforcement. You say "do my job for a week". Would 5 years count? Local and Federal levels my friend. I have the upmost respect for the Sheriff's deputy's and Constable's that work with us day in and day out. But around here we have officers with an attribute known as tact. Something you sir need to learn. I went back and read each and every post you have made. You are egotistical, abrasive, and flat out rude. Your "scum" and "heroin junkie" comments don't offend me one bit. I would actually have to be listening to what you are typing. Usually after 2 or three sentences your point is made bery clear and the rest just fizzles into thin air. But I do have concerns about you. You seem like the type that would see me sitting in my house smoking with your super stealth eye sight and then break my door down, guns ablazing in an attempt to arrest me. When in actuality, you could never even get a warrant or charges from the D.A. You seem to be overly agressive and it makes me wonder this.....................If you are so abrasive here on an internet forum, then how are your true "people skills" on the streets. It makes me wonder why you have been stabbed 3 times and shot twice while working. I have close friends who have worked the wards of Houston for 20 plus years and have never gotten a scratch. They know HOW to deal with people. Force and agressiveness isn't always the way to go man...........................Hopefully someday you'll realize it before someone puts that one last bullet into you.

In the meantime, you have said your peace (in a rather eloquent manner I may add). Feel free to contiue if you wish, but I am through wasting my time on you....................

Keep it safe!
5 years??? well I did say do my job for a week I didn't specify what my job was. So no your 5 years at what ever level you choose to talk about isn't my job although I do commend you on your service you haven't experienced exactly what it is that I do. So yes I am very blunt, brash, and at times even rude. I understand this and make no qualms about my behavior.
The reasons for my injuries on duty all have their own little stories. Which have been cleared by my superiors and ultimately my department or rather my former department.

Upon my resignation I was requested by my chief to stay on staff now I know although this means nothing to you I believe that says something about my level of work. As far as explaining myself to you well I am not the only one who feels this way. True I am not the most tactful of individuals you will ever encounter. So Let me say this to you and by you I mean everyone still reading this thread because well I speak generally most of the time not just to you flight lp. I don't personally care if you use drugs, it is your right as a person in this free country to break the law. whether or not you agree with the laws they are still laws and until that changes that is all that I care about. So that in turn makes ME question your level of professionalism. Because if you choose to break the law then you can just as easily choose to break policy and if you don't see a problem with that then In MY OPINION you don't deserve to be in a profession demanding so much respect.

Finally as for you waisting your time on me(Flight-LP) if you truly felt it was a waist of your time you would not have responded to my last post. But since you did it would lead me to believe you enjoy the confrontation/debate. You like the little rush you get when you think you have fired out that last little witty comment. I know this because you and I are not so different. Don't let my arrogance or egotistical behavior lead you to believe I am uneducated. I sir am merely opinionated and very sure of myself. Again much like yourself. So I will end with thank you. its been well interesting at the least
I agree 100% marijuana is like heroin and meth!! I see potheads all the time murdering, robbing and raping others.... If you mean as in murdering a large pizza, robbing all the cupboards of snacks and raping the fridge of leftovers.. I would rather deal with a pothead then a drunk or other drug user any day...
Now here's a question about illegal drugs to ponder. Would the downsides (crime, poverty, etc) be nearly as bad if the drugs were legal, regulated, and taxed (imagine how screwed the government would be if everyone stopped smoking tobacco)?
Rather than issue infractions to everyone who deserves one, I'm just going to close this thread for now.
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